Table of Functions


  • brake(m);

Brakes engine m. Substitute x with 1-3 for motors 1-3 or 4 to break all motors.

  • celerate(m,s,e,t);

Accelerates motor m from power percentage s to percentage e over t seconds.

  • goFor(t);

Runs the previous command for t seconds.

  • goToRelativePosition(d);

Runs the previous command for d marks from the vehicles current position at the time the command is called. Commonly used with motorSpeed();.

  • goToAbsolutePosition(d);

Runs the previous command until the vehicle reaches d marks from where the vehicle started at the beginning of the program.

  • motorSpeed(m,s);

Runs motor m at speed percent s.

  • reverse(m);

Reverses which way motor m blows.

  • rotateServo(a);

Rotates the servo at an angle a (between 0 and 180 degrees.)

  • getVehiclePosition();

Returns the position of the vehicle relative to where it started in marks.

  • getTotalMarks();

Returns the total distance the vehicle has traveled forward and backward in marks.

  • getBackwardsTotal();

Returns how many marks the vehicle has traveled backwards.

  • getForwardsTotal();

Returns how many marks the vehicle has traveled forwards.

  • getVehicleDirection();

Returns 1 if the vehicle is moving forwards, 0 if moving backwards, and 2 if no movement is detected.