Performance Test 1

For the Performance Test 1, we designed two AEVs, Figure 1 and Figure 2, to test which design performed the best in terms of energy efficiency. We found that the Team D Second Design was the most energy efficient, however it was very unstable and only used a Joule or so less of energy than Eagle One. Due to the instability and difficulty of maintenance, we chose to go with Eagle One over the Team D Second Design. As part of the Performance Test 1, we were also required to make our AEV travel up to the Gate, stop and pass through the gate again. Below is the code used to complete this task.


Figure 1: First Design (Eagle One)


Figure 2: Second Design


Figure 3: First Design (Eagle One) Power Consumption

As seen in Figure 3, the first design used an average of about 8 Watts and over the entire run, the energy consumption was about 77 Joules.

Figure 4: Second Design Power Consumption

As seen in Figure 4, the second design used an average of almost 8 Watts and over the entire run, the energy consumption was about 76 Joules.


[The following code is written for the “Performance Test One” section for the AEV project]


celerate (4,0,20,1);



//Acceleration at the start of the test. Accelerates all motors from 0 to 20% power in 1 second.  AEV moves towards bottom of incline.
celerate (4,20,40,.25);

goToRelativePosition (70);


//Going up the first incline. Accelerates all motors from 20 to 40% power in 0.25 seconds. AEV moves to top of incline.
celerate (4,40,20,.25);



//From the incline to the gate. Accelerates all motors from 40 to 20% power in 0.25 seconds. AEV moves towards gate.


//Reverse motors for the power brake



//Power brake.  All motors are set to 30% for 1 second.



//7 second pause at the gate. All motors are set to 0% power for 7 seconds.

celerate (4,0,35,.25);



//Getting the AEV through gate. All motors are reversed and accelerated from 0 to 35% power for 0.25 seconds. AEV moves just past gate.