Meeting 1
Date: January 17th, 2018
Time: 4:00 PM
Location: MSE 225
Members Present: Zach Balthaser, Wes Krist, Wil Perry, Dawson Pike
Topic Discussed: Who will accomplish different tasks, when we will meet regularly, team roles and start to build AEV
To construct a basic AEV and plan for the AEV project
To-Do/Action Items:
- Talk with other teams in company about starting to develop website (Wes)
- Will help Wes with talking to other teams (Zach)
- Study Arduino language to help other team members with code (Dawson)
- Help Dawson with code (Wil)
- Dawson will take care of the AEV materials
- Wes will tests the sensors every lab
- All members need to understand their assignments and what is expected to be completed before each lab.
Meeting 2
Date: January 24th, 2018
Time: 9:30 AM
Location: MSE 225
Members Present: Zach Balthaser, Wes Krist, Wil Perry, Dawson Pike
Topic Discussed: Website development, team roles, assignments for each person
To work on the company website and to make arrangements with other teams concerning the website
To-Do/Action Items:
- Update website and talk with other teams
- Upload code and functions table to website
- Upload pictures to website
- Wes will update the website and talk with the other teams within the company
- Zach will upload AEV part pictures and team pictures to the website
- Dawson will upload the Arduino code and function table to website
- Wil will revise each subsection of the “Team D” tab
- We will try to make sure that we are aware of all assignments that are due in the future.
Meeting 3
Date: January 29th, 2018
Time: 9:22 AM
Location: MSE 225
Members Present: Zach Balthaser, Wes Krist, Wil Perry, Dawson Pike
Topic Discussed: AEV data for lab 03, AEV sketches, Data graphs for lab 03
To complete items due from lab 03 and continue working on progress report.
To-Do/Action Items:
- Gather AEV data for lab 03
- Submit AEV sketches and describe the ideas behind them
- Upload data graphs to website
- Explain graphs and figures
- Wes will upload AEV sketches and describe the main ideas behind each
- Zach will describe AEV data graphs
- Dawson will gather the data from the AEV
- Wil will upload the data graphs
- We need to establish a good form of communication
Meeting 4
Date: February 7th, 2018
Time: 9:24 AM
Location: MSE 225
Members Present: Wes Krist, Wil Perry, Dawson Pike
Topic Discussed: Website Update 2, Advanced AEV Design, Final AEV Code
Objective: To talk about what is due before next lab and future AEV development.
To-Do/Action Items: Describe the graphs from the “Design Analysis” lab and upload estimated weights and bills of materials for all designs.
- All will be responsible for uploading their own estimated weights and bills of materials for their designs
- Zach will describe the graphs for the “Design Analysis” lab
- Dawson will start working on the code for the final AEV
- As a team, we will adjust the current AEV design to incorporate aspects of both Dawson’s and Wil’s designs
- Establish a GroupMe group chat
- Accomplish tasks quicker and in a timely manner
Meeting 5
Date: February 12th, 2018
Time: 3:00 pm
Location: MSE 225
Members Present: Wes Krist, Zach Balthaser, Dawson Pike
Topic Discussed: The materials testing lab, progress report 1, propeller configuration lab, more efficient form of communication.
Objective: To complete the propeller configuration lab, assign committee roles and assign roles for progress report 1.
To-Do/Action Items: Finish progress report 1 and prepare for committee meeting.
- Wes will be HR representative. Will also do sketches and appendices for progress report 1.
- Dawson will be R&D representative. Will also do errors and forwards looking plan with Wil for progress report 1.
- Zach will be public relations representative. Will also do takeaways and graphs and descriptions for progress report 1.
- Wil will do pros and cons and forwards looking plan with Dawson for progress report 1.
- Find and establish times on Mondays and Wednesdays for meetings.
- Spread the workload a bit more evenly.
Meeting 6
Date: February 19th-22nd, 2018
Time: 9:30 AM & 3:00 PM
Location: MSE 225
Members Present: Wes Krist, Wil Perry, Dawson Pike, Zach Balthaser
Topic Discussed: Grant Proposal, Servo Motor Testing and New AEV Design.
Objective: To assign roles for the Grant Proposal and test the new AEV design as well as the servo motor.
To-Do/Action Items: Complete Grant Proposal.
- Wes will create power point presentation and present with Dawson.
- Dawson will present Grant Proposal.
- Zach will aid Wil in design of battery bracket.
- Wil will design battery bracket in Solid Works.
- Need to work on quicker response times between teammates.
- Let teammates know if there is an issue and that prevents you from getting your assignment done.
Meeting 7
Date: February 26th, 2018
Time: 3:00 PM
Location: MSE 225
Members Present: Wes Krist, Zach Balthaser, Dawson Pike
Topic Discussed: Battery testing Lab and Propeller Configuration Lab.
Objective: To assign roles for gathering the data and describing the data for each lab.
To-Do/Action Items: Complete the above tests as well as obtain the testing materials from Dr. Elsaadany.
- Wes will obtain the testing materials from Dr. Elsaadany and create graphs for Battery Testing Lab.
- Dawson will gather the data for each Lab and upload graphs from Propeller Configuration Lab.
- Zach will also create graphs for Battery Testing Lab.
- Need to make sure that everyone can attend the meetings at least twice a week.
- Make sure that we clearly understands what needs to be done for each lab.
Meeting 8
Date: March 5th, 2018
Time: 3:00 PM
Location: MSE 225
Members Present: Wes Krist, Zach Balthaser, Dawson Pike
Topic Discussed: Mission statement, battery testing, material testing, propeller configuration
Objective: Development of the R&D presentation slides
To-Do/Action Items: Complete the battery testing, material testing and propeller configuration experiments.
- On March 7th, we will finish up each experiment and resolve any issues found.
- Wes and Zach will gather the data for the battery testing and propeller configuration labs and put the data into graphs.
- Dawson will conduct each test
- Establish a meeting schedule that works for everyone
- Make sure that everyone can attend the meetings
Meeting 9
Date: March 19th, 2018
Time: 3:00 PM
Location: MSE 225
Members Present: Wes Krist, Zach Balthaser, Dawson Pike, Wil Perry
Topic Discussed: Performance test 1 and CDR draft
Objective: Prepare for performance test 1 and assign roles for CDR draft
To-Do/Action Items: Complete performance test 1 and complete the CDR draft
- Wes will write the Results section and model the AEV designs in SolidWorks
- Dawson will write the Executive Summary and Experimental Methodology
- Zach will write the Conclusions and Recommendations section
- Wil will complete the Appendix with all necessary items
- Dawson will write the code for performance test 1
- Zach and Wil will conduct the performance test 1
- Wes will analyze the data and see which AEV design performed the best
- We need to make sure that everyone can deliver top quality assignments
- We would like to allow more time for everyone to meet regularly
Meeting 10
Date: March 28th, 2018
Time: 3:00 PM
Location: MSE 225
Members Present: Wes Krist, Zach Balthaser, Dawson Pike, Wil Perry
Topic Discussed: Performance test 2 and upcoming assignments
Objective: Prepare for performance test 2
To-Do/Action Items: Prepare for Committee meeting 2
- Wes and Wil will prepare for the HR Committee meeting
- Zach will prepare for the Pubic Relations Committee meeting
- Dawson will prepare for the R&D Committee meeting
- We need to make sure that everyone can deliver top quality assignments
Meeting 11
Date: April 2nd, 2018
Time: 3:00 PM
Location: MSE 225
Members Present: Zach Balthaser, Wes Krist, Wil Perry, Dawson Pike
Topic Discussed: Progress Report 2, Final Performance Test and upcoming assignments
To assign parts of the Progress Report 2 and prepare for the Final Performance Test
To-Do/Action Items:
- Finish Progress Report 2
- Complete code for Final Performance Test
- Wes – Results and revise entire document
- Zach – Backwards Takeaways and Forwards Siutation
- Dawson – Backwards Situation, Help Wil with Appendicies
- Wil – Apendicies A & B, Forwards Weekly Goals, Forwards Schedule
- Everyone will meet on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (if necessary) at 3:00 PM to complete the Final Performance Tests preparation
- Everyone is working well together and everyone has been able to attend the meetings
- Good Communication has been established
- Everyone is putting in equal effort
Meeting 12
Date: April 9th, 2018
Time: 3:00 PM
Location: MSE 225
Members Present: Zach Balthaser, Wes Krist, Wil Perry, Dawson Pike
Topic Discussed: Final Oral Presentation Draft and Final Performance Test
Objective: To complete the Final Oral Presentation Draft and work towards completing the Final Performance Test
To-Do/Action Items:
- Complete Final Oral Presentation Draft
- Complete code for Final Performance Test
- Finish Website
- Finish CDR
- Complete Solid Works AEV Simulation
- Wes – Look over CDR and Website, work on Final Oral Presentation
- Zach – Help Wes with the Final Oral Presentation and Website. Work on Solid Works AEV Simulation.
- Dawson – Work on Final Performance Test code and Solid Works AEV Simulation
- Wil – Work on Final Performance Test code and CDR
- Everyone will meet on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (if necessary) at 3:00 PM to complete the Final Performance Tests preparation
- Everyone attended and has put in their fair share of work