The following graphs consist of data collected using the code for the “Data Analysis Tool” lab.
The graph above shows the amount of power that the AEV used at certain distances. The starts off at around 5.5 watts of power through the first 0.15 meters. The motors overall power was decreased which decreased the power usage to 3.5 watts for 0.4 meters. The motor was then put in reverse which caused the power to quickly rise to 9.35 watts then lowered back down to around 6 watts before shutting off at around .85 meters.
The graph above shows the amount of power used by the AEV system at a certain time. At the beginning of the run, there was a burst of power to get the vehicle moving. It then slowly rose to 5.5 watts of power in 3 seconds. When the power of the motor was decreased at 4 seconds, the power usage dropped to 3.5 watts from 4 to 6 seconds. At 6 seconds the motor was put in reverse putting the power usage at 11 watts. It then dropped down to 6 watts by 6.5 seconds. It stayed at that power usage until it was turned off at 8 seconds.