Business Model

Value Proposition

Our team has identified a common problem that the students and commuters in the Ohio State area all agree with-overflowing trashcans create an unsightly, unhealthy, litter-filled environment. The current system of having maintenance workers empty trash cans on a time-based interval is simply not functional; a newer, more modern solution must be proposed. An automated, autonomous trash collecting system needs to be implemented to meet the high demands of effective waste removal. With a market of nearly 60,000 individuals, this change is absolutely necessary in order to maintain appealing upkeep of the campus. Investing in a proper automated waste removal system would benefit every individual on campus, creating a healthier, safer, more appealing environment for everyone. With perfection over a specific region, the audience for automated trash removal systems can be extended nationally, and potentially internationally. This is a new market with untapped potential that is waiting to be discovered.

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