Second Concept – Auto Car System

The system is composed by intelligent t-cans and autonomous cars. The bases of intelligent trash cans are fit for autonomous cars, so cars can park safely and ensure that garbage bags can be transferred successfully from trash cans to trash cars. The smart t-cans have 2 sensors, 1 for 3/4 height, 1 for full high. When the garbage reaches 3/4 height, the trash can will send an alert to autonomous cars to come. When the garbage reaches full height, the trash cans will close to prevent overflow garbage. The two sensors  and the close of trash cans prevent trash overflow, it follows the user needs clean, and they also decrease 4 user pains, as smelly spilled garbage, spilled liquid garbage, negative judge about campus, more time and energy to clean overflow trashcan. When trash cars arrived, the trash cans will tie the trash bags, open doors, and push trash bags on trash cars. At end, the trash cars will carry trash bag away, and trash can will set a new garbage beg in the trash can and open the trash can. This process keeps two user gains, which are less frequency and less employ to clean up. Because the prices of autonomous cars are cheap, which is a user need, it is possible to have a lot autonomous cars to wait for alerts. The close time of trash cans will be short; if not, we can increase the number of autonomous cars and improve our program to arrange the close time in an acceptable time. The close of trash cans only prepare for special occasion, as game days and high traffic, to prevent overflow. As, the whole process are autonomous, it is reliable, convenient, and regular.