Battery Voltage Testing

We will determine if there is a relationship between battery voltage and number of test runs. 

We will need a constructed AEV, test track, and a fully charged battery. For this test we will use Team J’s AEV design. We will use the code below to run the AEV five times. We will record initial voltage and the voltage at the end of each run. If these values are different, then there is a relationship between battery voltage and number of test runs. The relationship would indicate that each test run will decrease the battery voltage and power for each run. If the voltage decrease is minimal it can be concluded that test runs do not greatly affect the battery voltage and the power will not significantly decrease.


Code for Testing









For the first run with a fully charged battery at time 0 the battery was at 7.99804V and starting the fifth and final run it had a voltage of 7.9833V. After 5 total runs the battery voltage only decreased by 0.01474V. The graph above shows Voltage vs Time for each test run. The battery voltage drops are very small and similar for each run. The difference in initial and final voltage is minimal.



The battery voltage decreased by a very minimal amount after 5 total runs using the same code. This data means that running the AEV for multiple runs using the same battery will not drastically affect the performance of the AEV. Batteries will not need to be switched after multiple runs and performance should remain constant.