Meeting Minutes

Meeting 1

Date: January 10
Time: 3:55pm
Members present: All
Tasks Completed:
The main goal of the lab to learn how to use the Arduino software and make sure the motors worked. All members downloaded the software onto their computers. Joel learned how to properly set it up and Gavin helped write the code. Maddie and Sahiti planned and setup the website. When Maddie and Sahiti were done, they helped Gavin and Joel continue coding. After the code was done, the motors were tested and did not run.
Next Meeting:
The team will receive all the AEV parts
Maddie: Check to make sure we have all parts and code
Sahiti: check to make sure we have all parts and code
Gavin: assemble AEV
Joel: assemble AEV


Meeting 2

Date: January 17
Time: 3:55pm
Members present: All
Tasks Completed:
The team received the AEV kit and Maddie and Sahiti made sure all the parts were in the kit. Joel and Gavin assembled the AEV. Maddie and Sahiti then learned how to use the Arduino software and wrote the code to test the sensors. After all three things were completed the code was uploaded to the Arduino and tested. The motors did not run.
Next Meeting:
The goal of the next meeting is to figure out why the motors are not working and learn how to use Matlab and the Arduino software together.
Maddie: Download Matlab software, write code, and create graphs
Sahiti: write code, and help create graphs
Joel: try to figure out what is wrong with motors
Gavin: try to figure out what is wrong with motors


Meeting 3

Date: January 31
Time: 3:55pm
Members present: All
Tasks Completed:
Maddie and Sahiti worked on the lab three and code and downloaded the Matlab software. Maddie and Sahiti had trouble with the software so the proper code was not written. A short two line code was written just to test something on the Arduino Joel and Gavin worked on figuring out what was wrong with the motors. The code was uploaded to the Arduino and ran. Nothing happened. The team found that the ground wire was not connected to the Arduino and had the GTA fix it. The team then tried to run the code again and the motors worked. The team collected data from the graphs.
Next Meeting:
The goal of the next meeting is to catch up on everything since the motors were not working before. Also, the goal is to gain a better understanding of the AEV and Arduino interface.


Meeting 4

Date: February 4
Time: 8:20 pm
Members present: All
Tasks completed:
All the codes from previous labs were written and saved to the website. Maddie and Gavin worked on the code from lab three and learned how to properly use the Matlab graphs. Joel and Sahiti worked and code from lab one and two and took picture of the AEV to upload to website.
Next Meeting:
The Arduino in now ready to be tested. The sensor test needs to be done and Arduino needs to be put on the track to make sure it works properly. Also, the team needs to discuss their design ideas for the AEV
Maddie: upload code
Sahiti: look at designs
Gavin: make sure AEV works on track
Joel: look at design and help with AEV track testing


Meeting 5

Date: February 21
Time: 3:55 pm
Members present: All
Tasks completed:

We had committee meetings, and then we got together and discussed them. All of us worked together to get a start on our first 2 methodologies for aR&D.
Next Meeting:
We will begin our Motor Configuration aR&D, and get as far as possible.
Maddie: Typed out procedure for aR&D methodologies, went to website meeting
Sahiti: Helped come up with methodology ideas, went to budget meeting
Gavin: Helped come up with methodology ideas, went to AEV meeting
Joel: Helped come up with methodology ideas, went to Human Resources meeting


Meeting 6

Date: February 28
Time: 3:55 pm
Members present: All
Tasks completed:

The team started advanced R&D 1. The team test motor configuration by placing the motors in the pull position. Three trails of data were collected and then power vs distance was graphed. Maddie collected all data on Matlab and wrote the code. Gavin was in charge of track management. Joel and Gavin worked on placing the motors the right way. Sahiti graphed all data.

Next Meeting:

We will continue advanced R&D 1 and test the push position of motors.

Meeting 7

Date: March 4
Time: 3:00 pm
Members present: All
Tasks completed:

The team finished advanced R&D 1 by testing the push position of the motors. Three trials were collected. Maddie collected all data on Matlab. Sahiti graphed all the data. Gavin and Joel worked on motor configuration for AEV.

Next Meeting:

The team will start advanced R&D 2. The team is testing servo use and configuration.

Meeting 8

Date: March 6
Time: 3:00 pm
Members present: All
Tasks completed:

The team started advanced R&D 2. The team tested servo use and configuration. The servo was attached to AEV and the code was written so the servo would help AEV brake. The AEV and placed on the track and three trails were collected. Maddie wrote code and collected data on Matlab. Gavin worked on servo configuration and track management. Sahiti graphed all the data. Joel helped Gavin with the Servo.

Next Meeting:

The team will finish advanced R&D 2.

Meeting 9

Date: March 7
Time: 3:55 pm
Members present: All
Tasks completed:

The team finished advanced R&D 2. The servo was removed from AEV and was allowed to coast to a stop. the AEV was placed on the track and three trails were collected. Maddie collected all data on Matlab and excel. Sahiti graphed all data. Gavin and Joel worked on AEV and track management.

Next Meeting:

The team will work on Performance Test 1.

Meeting 10

Date: March 18
Time: 3:00 pm
Members present: All
Tasks completed:

The whole team worked on and completed the first Performance Test. The test was fully successful, using only one run. The group also started on the PowerPoint for the R&D Oral Presentation, along with figuring out what to talk about.

Next Meeting:

The team will continue to work on the R&D Oral Presentation.

Meeting 11

Date: March 20

Time: 3:00 pm

Members Present: All

Tasks Completed:

The whole team worked on performance test 1. Maddie analyzed and changed the code based off of performance on the track. Sahiti ensured the AEV was not using too much power. Gavin made sure the AEV was still working properly. Joel ensured AEV was safe on the track.

Next Meeting:

All members will present findings from aR&d 1 and 2

Meeting 12

Date: March 21

Time: 3:55 pm

Members Present: All

Tasks Completed:

Maddie gave a presentation on the set up for motor configuration testing. Sahiti gave a presentation on the results from Servo testing. Gavin gave a presentation on Servo testing set up. Joel gave a presentation on motor configuration results. 

Next Meeting:

Team will work on performance test 2.


Meeting 13

Date: March 27

Time: 3:00 pm

Members Present: All

Tasks Completed:

Whole team worked on performance test two. Half way through the lab, the AEV seemed to stop working on the track. The motors would not stop once it got the absolute position in the code or it would stop too early. Maddie Wrote the code and used the Arduino software to determine the reflectance sensors were not working.  Sahiti placed new sensors on AEV and ensured no safety violations occurred because the AEV was not working properly.

Next Meeting:

The whole team will continue to work on performance test 2 and Maddie, Gavin, and Joel will each attend one committee meeting.


Meeting 14

Date: March 28

Time: 3:55 pm

Members Present: All

Tasks Completed:

The whole team worked on finishing performance test 2. Maddie attended the marketing meeting. Gavin attended the research and design meeting. Joel attended the human resources meeting. Sahiti continued to work on performance test while other members were at meeting. The performance test was completed.

Next Meeting:

Team will work on aR&D 3 and test which braking mechanics work the best.


Meeting 15

Date: April 1

Time: 3:00 pm

Members Present: All

Tasks Completed: The whole team worked on aR&D 3 and tested coasting to a stop and reversing the motors to stop. Maddie Wrote the code and collected data for each trial on Matlab. Gavin set up how we were going to collect data in tables changed the design of AEV in between trials. Sahiti ensured the safety of AEV on track. Joel worked on the progress report and divided the work into sections.

Next Meeting:

The team will continue to work aR&D 3 and test the Servo as a braking mechanic.


Meeting 16

Date: April 3

Time: 3:00 pm

Members Present: All

Tasks Completed:

The whole team worked on testing the Servo for aR&D 3. Maddie modified the code to implement the Servo arm and collected data on Matlab. Gavin and Sahiti worked on attaching Servo arm properly. Joel started to analyze data from past performance test to put in the progress report.

Next Meeting:

The whole team will work on performance test 3.

Meeting 17

Date: April 4

Time: 3:55 pm

Members Present: All

Tasks Completed:

Performance test 3 was nearly completed on the lab track. The AEV made all the way to the other end, picked up caboose, and returned to starting position. The only thing that needed to be added to the code was a brake at the end. Maddie wrote code for AEV. Gavin made sure nothing on the AEV broke. Sahiti and Joel made sure the AEV was performing how it needed to on the track.

Next Meeting:

The team will continue to work on performance test 3.


Meeting 18

Date: April 8

Time: 3:00 pm

Members Present: All

Tasks Completed:

The whole team worked on performance test 3. The code had to be slightly changed due to the fact the team was no longer using the track in lab. The AEV was run on track a couple time and then stopped working consistently. The team concluded we did not have a fully charged battery and had to wait for one. Maddie modified the code to be able to use on the classroom track. Gavin and Sahiti made sure the AEV was performing well on the track. Joel ensured the safety of the AEV and made design was good and worked on the website.

Next Meeting:

Team will finish performance test 3 and work on the website update.


Meeting 19

Date: April 10

Time: 3:00 pm

Members Present: All

Tasks Completed:

The whole team worked on performance test 3. Everyone worked together to help change the code. Each member had a designated spot under the track to stand to make sure the AEV was safe on the track. One performance test trial was completed.


Next Meeting:

Final performance needs to be completed.


Meeting 20

Date: April 11

Time: 3:55 pm

Members Present: All

Tasks Completed:

The whole team worked on the last two trial of the AEV final performance testing. Everyone worked together on changing the code and each member stood at their designated track spot to ensure the AEV was safe. The last two testing trials were completed.

Next Meeting:

Turn in AEV kit and work on any upcoming documents