The team of engineers will be learning how to implement the servo into their design as well as what configuration will be best to integrate into the AEV. The team will first listen for humming to ensure the servo has been calibrated. The team will run a simple program testing stopping on the straight track using and servo and not using a servo and decide whether the servo has a significant impact on braking. The team will figure out if using the Servo is worth the added cost for the AEV project.
Code used:
// reverse all motors
// run all motors at 30% power for 10 feet
// rotate servo 90 degrees
// brake all motors for 8 seconds
The team was attempting to find a solution for the inconsistency of coast experienced in the first two performance tests. The team of engineers ran the same code on the flat track where one run used a servo and the other run did not. The AEV was able to stop at a precise location with the servo compared to without it where the AEV would keep rolling until it reaches a stop. The team found that using the servo would allow for the AEV to stop more effective than coasting.
The servo motor added consistency to our design while completing the various tasks required by the AEV. Having a more consistent AEV will allow people to have more trust in the mode of transportation because it will get them to the correct location each time.