Matthew Friedman

Matthew Friedman

English 1110.01, MWF 12:40-1:35

Instructor: Cathy Ryan

Assignment: Common Sense

February 13, 2017

America’s Pastime

             It is one of the major sports of the world and is beloved by many from the past and present. It is a sport unlike any other that requires some of the most difficult skills one can be born with or have taught. This sport that is being referenced is called baseball. America’s pastime. Baseball, for the longest amount of time has been known as the best sport America had. Recently however other sports have been trying to take the spotlight away. Sports that are more violent or have more drama in them. Even with this, baseball is still America’s darling.

Granted having more violence in a sport isn’t necessary that bad of a thing. This can add ratings getting more people to view the event. On the flip side of this thought adding violence into something significantly increases the chances that someone will be injured. In addition to adding danger into the lives of the players who depend on the sport for a living, the addition of violence can also create an unhealthy culture. This culture can lead to the violence of fans and those dear to them. How can any of those things be good? In addition, why would anyone want to love something that could cause so much harm. The reality is that baseball unlike sports such as football or hockey does not have a large amount of injury’s in general. Even for the injury’s that occur in baseball most are to nature factors such a pulled muscle. This kind of environment is good for the players and the fans. This is a situation that everyone should want to be part of.

Another bad habit that sports have is creating unnecessary drama. This drama can be caused by a simple foul in basketball or a punch in hockey. This in both sports can lead to an unnecessary altercation. This can hurt the player carriers and can also help create an unhealthy culture. Baseball is different. Drama only coms naturally and no person can add some out of nowhere unless it could happen on its own. In baseball one doesn’t have to try to make the game exciting it just happens on its own.

Besides all of the bad associated with all of the other sports baseball just has had longer fans due to it being around longer which means that one can connect with more people than with other sports. This leads to better relationships with family and friends. For example, everyone remembers that first day at the ballpark. This is just something that no sport can beat.

In conclusion of all of the major sports in America baseball is the best. The others just create ether to much violence or drama. Both of the attributes create an unhealthy culture. In addition to creating unnecessary injuries due to the gameplay or added drama leading to fights. Even though there are some who do enjoy this and will be drawn to it the majority isn’t. There is always a better option to this and that is baseball. America’s pastime will always be baseball.


Commented Common Sense Essay