Nicole Beaupre

Money Over Everything

Weapons of mass destruction have been around for about one hundred years. They have ranged from nuclear weapons to biological weapons, and anything in between. They have caused wars throughout the world. From World War II to pieces of the War on Terror, and many other tensions across the globe. Another thing that could be considered a weapon that has been a factor in many wars has been money. It has torn alliance apart and held tensions around the world. On a smaller level, it creates greed and the need for power, which can consume a person’s entire life.

“The rich only get richer” – a common saying heard throughout the world. It comes from the root of greediness. The top 8 billionaires in the world have the same amount of money as the 3.6 billion people who make up the poorest half of the world’s population. They continue to look for more ways to get money, and usually do not give to the poor. Money becomes a game. It allows people to rank higher up in society. As they rank higher and higher, the need for power become more prevalent.

Another common saying is “money is power.” Many people relate their self-worth to the amount of money they have. When people think of the rich, they often times think of those with luxurious cars, nice houses, and surrounded by other beautiful and successful people. They are often times idolized by society. Many people strive to be powerful, as they wish to be idolized like the people they look up to. They want the money, the cars, and they want to be beautiful. Often times, they will do whatever it takes to become that powerful person. World leaders may even go to the extent of war.

As world leaders look to gain more power, they can become reckless and destructive. Often times, leaders and people in power seeking for money do not care about how it gets to them. They will cause wars and not care about who or what gets destroyed in the process. As Tupac Shakur said, “They got money for the wars, but they can’t feed the poor.” Leaders will fund wars until they gain the power that they desire. They will take out populations of people to feed the hunger of money. The money becomes a weapon until it is obtained.

Although there have been wars over the nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, nothing has destroyed the world more than money. Money has not directly destroyed the world, as it is an inanimate object, but it has caused the people to fiend for more. People go crazy looking for money and power, and will do anything to achieve it. Nothing has brought the world to shambles more than the currency that rules us all.