Week 2


Meetings #2,3,4

Date: January 22, 2018
Time: 4:10 PM – 5:05 PM (face to face)
Place: Hitchcock 308
Members Present: Feifan Lin(F.L.), Joey Gill(J.G.), Jingming Chen(J.C.), Pravesh Khanal (P.K.)
Topic: Solidworks Objects

Date: January 24, 2018
Time: 4:10 PM – 5:05 PM (face to face)
Place: Hitchcock 308
Members Present: Feifan Lin(F.L.), Joey Gill(J.G.), Jingming Chen(J.C.), Pravesh Khanal (P.K.)
Topic: Orthographic drawing and Solidworks

Date: January 26, 2018
Time: 3:55 PM – 5:15 PM (face to face)
Place: Hitchcock 224
Members Present: Feifan Lin(F.L.), Jingming Chen(J.C.), Pravesh Khanal (P.K.)
Topic: Solidworks Objects


During the week 2 meeting, the team wanted to familiarize with the Solidworks software and apply it to the lab.

To do/Action items:

During the second meeting, the group’s goal was to design several Solidworks objects and discuss how this would apply when designing the AEV. During the third meeting, the group wanted to learn about orthographic views in Solidworks and discuss how the AEV design would be drawn on orthographic paper. During the fourth meeting (third lab meeting), the team wanted to complete the reflectance sensor test and the deliverables for progress report 1.

Initial ideas:

Create a GroupMe group as our main source of communication for each member. (J.G.) This solution was implemented since every member agreed.

Start brainstorming ideas early for the AEV design. (P.K.)

Draw a simple design on the whiteboard. (F.L.)

Determine the time for the next meetings. (J.C.)


-We will use GroupMe for sharing ideas and meeting times. (FL, JG, JC, PK)

–Our goal is to start preparing for the AEV design in Solidworks. (J.G., F.L., J.C.)

 Upcoming tasks:

Update meeting times. (J.G.)

Update team meeting notes. (P.K.)

Research for upcoming labs. (J.C., F.L., J.G., P.K.)

Roles subject to change.