During the week 6, group N conducted one of the advanced research, coasting and power braking. Braking is an important component in AEV project. In this lab, two ways of braking are available for the AEV- coasting and power braking. Coasting refers to switching off the motors so that the AEV could gradually slow down the speed until it stops completely. Instead of cutting off the power of the motors, power braking reverses the direction of the motors so an opposing force is applied on AEV to help it stop. Two main factors are taken into account when testing these two methods, energy consumption and braking distance. Group N prepared two codes and conducted a series of testing for each method to determine which style suits group N’s  AEV most.



  • Energy Consumption of Coasting is around ⅔ of Energy Consumption of Power Braking
  • The Power Braking helps reducing the required braking distance but it is not significant enough
  • The braking distance of coasting has less consistency than power braking
  • Energy Consumption of Coasting is around ⅔ of Energy Consumption of Power Braking
  • The Power Braking helps reducing the required braking distance but it is not significant enough
  • The braking distance of coasting has less consistency than power braking