Week 1


Meeting #1

Date: January 18, 2018
Time: 1:45 pm(face to face)
Place: 18th Avenue Library
Member’s Present: Feifan Lin(F.L.), Joey Gill(J.G.), Jingming Chen(J.C.)
Topic: AEV project


Today’s main focus was on meeting as a group to discuss how to do the AEV project and design the website.

To do/Action items:

Separate the Baker Company Website and the multiple groups’ website from each other.

Design a homepage for our website.

Initial idea:

Each group have a separate website that could be linked to a common website. (J.G.)

Make one company website with each tab having multiple introductions to separate groups. (J. C.)

Create a tab for each group that is linked to a separate website for each group/team. (F.L.)   This solution was decided to be the best course of action.

Add a picture as a placeholder (for now). This picture will be changed to an actual picture of our AEV when created. (J.G., F.L., J.C.)


-We create our own website and put the link of it at the company website. In this case, the group will not disturb others when we work.(FL,JG,JC)

Add a picture as a placeholder (for now). This picture will be changed to an actual picture of our AEV when created. (J.G., F.L., J.C.)

 Upcoming tasks:

Update various codes used.(J.C.)

Update various designs examined(F.L.,J.G.)

Update research that supports your AEV decisions.(J.C.,F.L.,J.G.)

Roles maybe change as we keep moving forward.