EHE RMC Methodology Leadership Series & Software Series

There College of Education and Human Ecology’s Research Methodology Center (RMC) is pleased to present more exciting events in the Methodology Leadership Series and Software Series!

These events are free and open to all OSU Faculty, Students, Researchers and Staff. However, RSVPs are requested for our events.

Introduction to Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR)
Dave Julian
Thursday March 30
EHE College Commons

Are you interested in maximizing the impact of you practice and research on communities? Community practice and community-based participatory research (CBPR) are methodologies that can be used to improve the lives of community members by involving them in addressing the issues that impact their daily lives. By doing so, practitioners/researchers can connect community members to the problem solving process, utilize their knowledge to improve results and provide immediate benefits. However, using these procedures can be challenging, especially in communities where trust is and understanding is low. In this presentation, scholars from the College of EHE Center on Education and Training for Employment (CETE) will review various methodologies using real-world examples including recent work with the local American Indian/Alaskan Native community and efforts to evaluate web-based employment services. This presentation will provide valuable suggestions for individuals interested in applying principles of community practice and CBPR in their work.

Register here.

Introduction to Propensity Score Analysis in STATA
Nivedita Bhaktha
Monday April 3
PAES 110

Please join the RMC for this introduction to propensity score analysis (PSA). Propensity scores reflect the probability of assignment group (e.g. treatment, control) based on observed baseline characteristics. These scores can be helpful to researchers in analyzing treatment effects in observational/nonrandomized studies. Nivedita Bhaktha, doctoral student in the College of EHE QREM program, will introduce the basics on PSA using the STATA software program. Space for this event is limited.

Register here.

Introduction to NVivo
Eman Tiba, PhD Candidate- School Psychology
Emma Bosley-Smith, Master’s Student- Sociology
Paola Echave, Master’s Student- Sociology
Friday April 14
Campbell Hall 100

Join the RMC for an introduction to the NVivo environment and learn more about this powerful software for qualitative data analysis. By participating in this workshop, you will (1) Understand the terminology and capabilities of NVivo, (2) Set up your own project in NVivo, (3) Learn to import and organize your materials. Participants should bring their own laptop with NVivo Pro already installed. You can get a 14-day free trial by clicking here.

Register here.


Diary Methods: Strengths and Pitfalls

Dr. Jen Wong
Assistant Professor
Human Science

The Ohio State University

Friday March 31st
Ramseyer Hall 136

Jen D. Wong is an assistant professor in Human Science (Program: Human Development and Family Science). Her research program bridges the fields of gerontology and developmental disabilities to identify ways to promote the daily well-being, health, and physiological functioning of caregivers in midlife and late adulthood.


Archiving and Sharing Data Workshop

Research Commons
Eighteenth Ave. Library, 3rd Floor
Monday April 10, 2017


In this 1.5 hour in-person session, we focus on the last part of the data management cycle: preparing data for sharing outside of the research team, depositing data into repositories and archiving. Amanda Rinehart will discuss the difference between archiving and sharing, when and what to share, best practices for protecting respondent confidentiality, and how to find an appropriate repository. Jessica Logan will share her experience with depositing Sit Together and Read data sets into the ICPSR repository and provide best practices on how to get data ready to be deposited.


Amanda Rinehart
Data Management Librarian
OSU Libraries

Jessica Logan
Director of Research
Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy (CCEC)

This is the last workshop of a series of three that focus on the data life cycle. The video and power points from the first workshop: Know Your Data: Security and Compliance Issues are available. Power points and resources from the second workshop: Managing Active Data are also available.

This workshop is for all OSU faculty, postdoctoral researchers, staff and graduate students with examples from the College of Education and Human Ecology.

If you have any questions, please email Rebecca Chacko at

Attention Graduating Students: Research Associate Positions Available

The Center for Study of Student Life currently has two full-time Research Associate positions open.

Position 1

The Research Associate leads, designs and implements quantitative and qualitative data analysis, reporting and distribution of new and existing assessment and research projects, including the national College Prescription Drug Study (CPDS) and the Study on Collegiate Financial Wellness (SCFW); assists with marketing, recruiting and client contact for CPDS and SCFW; assists in development research and assessment goals and plan work to attain these goals; performs complex statistical analyses; designs and implements data management and processing systems to code data and prepare comprehensive reports; writes and administers surveys; prepares research papers and manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed journals and presentation at regional and national conferences and workshops; prepares reports and visual representations of data; consults with various internal and external partners on appropriate research methods; provides guidance and mentoring to undergraduate research assistants and graduate administrative assistants; completes ad hoc requests.

Position 2

The Research Associate leads and coordinates quantitative and qualitative data analysis, reporting and distribution of new and existing assessment and research projects (e.g. University Graduation Survey); assists in development research and assessment goals and plan work to attain these goals; designs and implements assessment and research on select topics related to higher education and student affairs; performs complex statistical analyses; designs and implements data management and processing systems to code research data and prepare comprehensive reports; writes and administers surveys; prepares research papers and manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed journals and presentation at regional and national conferences and workshops; prepares reports and visual representations of data, including interactive dashboards; consults with various internal and external partners on appropriate research methods; serves as Qualtrics brand administrator for the university; provides guidance and mentoring to undergraduate research assistants and graduate administrative assistants; completes ad hoc requests.

Estimating and Probing Conditional Effects in Two Instance Repeated-Measures Designs

Amanda Montoya
Ph.D. Student
Quantitative Psychology
The Ohio State University

Friday March 24th
Ramseyer Hall 136

Amanda is a third year PhD student in Quantitative Psychology at the OSU working with Dr. Andrew Hayes. She completed her M.A. in Psychology in 2016 (OSU), M.S. in Statistics in 2016 (OSU) and her B.S. in Psychology with a minor in Mathematics in 2013 (University of Washington). Her research focuses on improving the ability of social and behavioral scientists to answer their questions of interest by using sound statistical methods and developing easy to use tools to encourage researchers to use the most advanced methods available. Her research interests include mediation, moderation, conditional process models, factor analysis, meta-analysis, and stereotyping. Recent publications and CV can be found at

Call for Proposals for the Student Affairs Assessment and Research Conference

The Ohio State University and the Center for the Study of Student Life present the 7th Annual Student Affairs Assessment and Research Conference (SAARC). This is a one day conference taking place on Friday June 9th at the Ohio Union. The theme of the conference is Making Data Meaningful: Addressing Critical Issues.

Keynote Speaker
Dr. Kristen Renn
Michigan State University

This conference is aimed at faculty, staff and students of all levels of experience across a wide variety of departments.

We’re looking for presentations that represent diverse perspectives of student affairs. It’s not too late to submit your proposal- we are especially interested in topics related to one or both of these categories:

  1. Assessment basics and skill-building
  2. This year’s theme: Making Data Meaningful: Addressing Critical Issues

Submit your proposal by March 31st here.

Register for the conference here.

Questions or more information: Franzi Ludemann- or Tawama Washington-

Using Machine Learning to Analyze Text as Data

Brice D. L. Acree
Assistant Professor of Political Science
The Ohio State University

Friday February 24, 2017
12-1 pm
Ramseyer 136

Brice is an assistant professor of political science and an affiliated faculty member with Translational Data Analytics at Ohio State. His research centers on machine learning, computational text analysis, and Bayesian inference.

Using Rasch Analysis and Generalizability Theory to Engineer Vocational Fit Assessment Scale Reliability

The EHE Methodological Colloquium Series presents:

Andrew Persch, Ph.D
Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy
The Ohio State University

Andrew Persch, PhD, OTR/L, BCP is Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy at The Ohio State University. An experienced pediatric occupational therapist, Dr. Persch is principal investigator for multiple research projects in the areas of pediatric rehabilitation, transition to adulthood, and neurological rehabilitation. He has advanced training in experimental design, implementation of clinical trials, statistical analysis, psychometric evaluation, and publishes research of relevance to rehabilitation and special education professionals.


Growth Curves in Mplus

Software Saturday

Dr. Xin Feng
Associate Professor
Department of Human Sciences

Saturday March 4th
PAES 110

Are you interested in modeling changes in outcomes over time? Join us for this hands-on workshop on building and evaluating Growth Curve Models using Mplus.

Space is limited! Register here.


Modeling Latent Interactions in Mplus

Friday February 10, 2017

Challenges in Modeling Relationships Among Change Leadership, Trust, and Teacher Collaboration

Roger D. Goddard, Ph.D- Professor & Fawcett Chair, The Ohio State University
Robert Nichols, B.S.- Ph.D Candidate, QREM Program, The Ohio State University