RMC announces SP17 events!

Mark your calendar for several exciting events in Spring 2017 from the EHE Research Methodology Center (RMC)!

Methods presentations will occur on the following Thursdays: 1/12, 1/26, 2/16, 3/09, 3/23, 3/30 and 4/13. Topics include structural equation modeling and measurement, cost analysis, focus groups, translational science, intervention development, multivariate mixed methods, and more.

The RMC will also be hosting several opportunities to dig deeper into your favorite software packages. Please join us for Software Saturdays on the following dates: 2/04, 2/18, 3/04, 3/18, and 4/01. Workshops will include SPSS, STATA, R, Mplus, NVivo, and more.

For more details on any of these events, please visit go.osu.edu/RMCevents.

RMC events are FREE and open to all OSU faculty, staff, students, researchers, and staff. However, RSVPs are requested for our events. Visit go.osu.edu/RMC for more details.

Please contact Sandy Reed (reed.665@osu.edu) if you have any questions or require additional information.
You can find our calendar of events, methodology support, consulting help, and RMC news on our website: go.osu.edu/RMC.



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