The interdisciplinary reverse-mortgage research team at OSU is seeking a graduate research assistant to work on a research project that studies the relationships of food insecurity among older adults, housing costs, and home equity borrowing. The GRA’s task includes data assembly and directed statistical analysis using the Health and Retirement Study and the Panel Study of Income Dynamics.
The start date is August 22, 2017. The position is for 9-12 months, 20 hours per week, and includes monthly stipend and tuition.
Requirements for this position are:
- Experience analyzing panel data sets; experience using the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) and the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) is preferred.
- Experience using STATA statistical software to analyze longitudinal data sets.
Email with a CV by May 10, 2017.
The team consists of Cazilia Loibl (Human Sciences), Don Haurin (Economics), Stephanie Moulton (Public Affairs), Julia Brown (Medicine), Wendy Xu (Public Health) and Michelle Kaiser (Social Work). The core team of Loibl, Haurin and Moulton has conducted funded research on the causes and consequences of home equity borrowing since 2012, with a focus on reverse mortgage borrowing. Results of this research are published in the Journal of Urban Economics, the Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, and Cityscape. Our current working papers were presented at the University of Michigan Retirement Center and the Federal Reserve Board. This research has received extensive national press coverage, see “In the News” on