Thursday February 16
EHE College Commons
Testing for Measurement Invariance with Ordinal Variables in Mplus
Dr. Natasha Bowen
OSU Professor of Social Work
Much of the data used by social scientists is ordinal, however, such data are often analyzed as if they are continuous. This presentation will focus on testing the invariance of scales based on ordinal indicators. This is an advanced presentation, geared to students with advanced coursework in measurement and multivariate statistics.
Don’t miss this opportunity to explore this special topic of measurement invariance with ordinal variables with Natasha Bowen. Natasha is the Associate Director of the Research Methodology Center and Professor in the OSU College of Social Work.
Register here.
Saturday February 18
PAES 110
Confirmatory Factor Analysis in AMOS
Robert Nichols
Doctoral Candidate
Join doctoral candidate Robert Nichols for a workshop in IBM SPSS AMOS. In this workshop, you will get an introduction to the SPSS structural equation modeling software AMOS. This software add-on is free to students at OSU, and offers a variety of capabilities beyond the standard SPSS program. Robert Nichols will introduce the theoretical and practical issues surrounding confirmatory factor analysis, and will lead you through a hands-on CFA using AMOS. This workshop is at an intermediate level and is intended for students with experience in SPSS, multiple regression, and introductory measurement.
Register here.
Monday February 27
Ohio Staters Traditions Room
Ohio Union- 2nd Floor
A Mixed Research-Based Meta-Framework for Conducting a Comprehensive Literature Review Using a Multimodal, Ethnic, and Culturally Progressive Lens
Dr. Tony Onwuegbuzie
Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling
Sam Houston State University
Save the date! Details coming soon!
Register here.