RUOK? Buckeyes-Invitation to Participate

Dear Educational Studies Graduate Student,


We are writing to let you know that RUOK? Buckeyes is available to you again this year.  This is an initiative to enhance student wellness within the Graduate School and the College of ­­­­­­­­­­­­Education and Human Ecology.  Our goal is to help graduate students identify – and do something about – stress, anxiety, depression and other problems that can interfere with academic, social and personal functioning.


As you likely know from personal experience, pursing a graduate degree is filled with situations that produce stress. The stressors range from first year adjustment, self-doubt and accompanying anxiety, to sleep difficulties, relationship concerns, and depression. Throughout our professional careers, we are tested again and again, and at times the demands and resulting stress may seem difficult to manage.


RUOK? Buckeyes is a stress and depression questionnaire that provides graduate students with personalized feedback on their emotional well-being.  It is anonymous, confidential and voluntary.  Once you have completed the questionnaire, you will be linked to a professional counselor, who can assist you to secure any assistance, designed to help you increase academic, social and personal success.


Clicking the link at the bottom of this message will take you to a secure website where you have the option of completing the 10-minute online questionnaire, which you will submit using a self-assigned User ID.  This will be the only way your responses are identified, and thus, the process is entirely anonymous and confidential.


After you receive the counselor’s response, you will then have an opportunity to exchange online messages with the counselor through the anonymous dialogue feature, using only your User ID.  For a more detailed conversation, the counselor is available to arrange a phone conversation or an in-person meeting. There is no requirement to identify yourself at any time.


Completing the online questionnaire and making use of this service is completely voluntary, confidential, and anonymous. 


We encourage you to take advantage of this personalized service to find out if stress or depression may be affecting you.  The good news is that interventions for these concerns are available and highly effective.  Pro-actively addressing these concerns can help you be healthier, happier and more successful in your academic, social and personal pursuits.


If you have any questions about this service, please contact Deb Zabloudil (, our program contact, or


We hope all of you will take a few minutes now to go to the secure website, log in, and complete the RUOK? Buckeyes questionnaire. (The link is below the signatures)






Dr. Eric Anderman

Department Chair

Department of Educational Studies




Dr. Jan Nespor

Graduate Studies Committee Chair

Department of Educational Studies




Deb Zabloudil

Director of Student Service

Department of Educational Studies



To access the RU OK? Buckeyes Questionnaire,


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