Are some evaluations being used today cost effective? Check out this blog from an IES funded partnership who surveys academic yield on measured stakes for refined outcomes on student academic success. Unexpected Benefits of Conducting Cost-Effectiveness Analysis @EvidenceInEdu @IESResearch @OSUEHE @VoinovichSchool
National Center for Rural School Mental Health
Are you a rural educator looking to identify mental health issues for students amid the COVID-19 environment? If so, visit for more info on instruments, PD, and mediation tools. @ruralschoolmh @OHEducation @OhioHigherEd @IESResearch @OSUEHE @EvidenceInEdu
Center for Research Use in Education
Creating a Supportive Environment
Check out how EBE discusses students who listen to their peers respectfully within their own classroom environments, as they divulge their personal thoughts, and why it’s conducive for an attentive learning environment. #OHEdChat @OHEducation @OhioHigherEd @IESResearch @OSUEHE @VoinovichSchool
Steps to Being Empowered by Evidence
Check out this infographic by the ODE detailing the importance of evidence and how it qualifies student needs, as well as the five steps that can be taken with local level change. Steps to Being Empowered by Evidence #OHEdChat @OHEducation @OhioHigherEd @IESResearch @OSUEHE @VoinovichSchool
Motivation in the Classroom
Here is another great piece from EBE on a very important subject – motivation in the classroom. The following is a brief review of evidence that shows three ways educators can encourage and implement autonomous incentives. #OHEdChat @OHEducation @OhioHigherEd @IESResearch @OSUEHE @VoinovichSchool
Classroom Management and Behavior
Here is another excellent listen on classroom management about various evidence-based certitudes on how educators can examine behavior within learning environments to help direct creative and productive outcomes. #OHEdChat@OHEducation@OhioHigherEd@IESResearch @OSUEHE@VoinovichSchool
The Cultural Factors Affecting Student Behavior
Check out this great blog from EBE for teachers and their local leadership about three facets that can positively impact school culture and its important and dramatic effect on student behavior. #OHEdChat @OHEducation@OhioHigherEd@IESResearch@OSUEHE@VoinovichSchool
Systematic reviews to inform policy and practice in education: Campbell Education Coordinating Group
Are you an educator and looking for various types of formal analysis in which to examine and implement policy in your educational setting. If so, view this 12th and last episode in the 2021 webinar series: Systematic Review to Inform Policy…#OHEdChat @OHEducation @OhioHigherEd @IESResearch @OSUEHE @VoinovichSchool