
Someone using a computer to apply





Welcome! Here’s what you need to know before applying. 

Who should apply? 

Our training is designed to work with teams and team members from districts or schools, including their partners from Higher Education Institutes (HEIs), at any stage of the Cycle of Continuous Improvement.

Decisions on EBIs are generally the work of a school or district team. Examples of team applications may include two or more participants from the list below. While our training emphasizes a team-based approach, individuals are also encouraged to apply. We will work with individual applicants to assure a good fit with the training program.  

  • School and district leaders 
  • Intervention specialists 
  • K-12 teachers 
  • Curriculum specialists 
  • Social workers 
  • School counselors
  • Student support team members 
  • Regional data leads 
  • Individual Education Plan team members 
  • Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports team members 
  • Higher education researchers, faculty, and leadership from HEIs working with local schools/districts 

What is your commitment? 

Participants are asked to:

  • Complete Cohort summer workshop dates
  • Work with the trainers to develop two or three long-term goals representing your school’s or district’s individualized application of EBI use – anywhere along the EBI use continuum that will uniquely address your needs and capacity
  • Participate in coaching during the academic year in support of achieving your unique long-term goals
  • Contribute to an evaluation of the training program and coaching, including sharing or describing artifacts indicative of attainment of training goals and the use of the cycle of continuous improvement to achieve district/school goals

How much does it cost? 

 Training costs are covered through the EBITE IES-funded initiative – including travel and lodging – for staff from local and/or state educational agencies. Faculty from higher-education institutions can apply for support if no other professional development funds are available. If you have any questions, please contact us or email us directly at

Eligibility – Participants must satisfy ONE of the following criteria: 

  • Be an employee of an LEA, including but not limited to a school district or a school 
  • Be a faculty member, researcher, or education leader at a higher-education institution 
  • Be a researcher working with local districts, schools or education leaders on selection and use of evidence-based interventions 


  • Each team (or individual) submission will include the following:
    • A completed application form with the names, job titles, and email addresses of all team members
    • Brief summaries of your/your organization’s motivations for attending the training program, expectations for training outcomes, and challenges regarding current efforts toward the use of evidence-based interventions
    • For teams: a brief description of the team members’ current roles in using evidence-based interventions
  • Applications will be competitively reviewed

*Note: Recruitment Process. Recruitment will include a targeted effort to draw participants from groups traditionally underrepresented in educational research. We have a diverse training team and will use our personal contacts and experiences to ensure diverse participation. 

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