About Me

Hello! My name is Adriane Earley, and I am an incoming freshman to the Ohio State University. I am originally from a small suburb outside of Akron, OH called Stow! I plan to study Nutritional Sciences on the path to become a Physician Assistant. My passions include all things nutrition, traveling, medicine and caring for others. My qualities as a learner can be summed up in three words: visual, inquisitive and social. I am excited to be attending school at Ohio State this autumn because the campus is a small city that has a lot to offer students!

Throughout high school, I got involved through different aspects. I was part of various clubs ranging from service to language.  During those four years I played soccer, and ran cross country and track and I aided teachers in classroom experiments or grading. Yet, my absolute favorite activity was volunteering. It helped me realize that I love the heart warming feeling of seeing someone smile after you have helped them, one of the many reasons I chose health as a career field. Plus, while volunteering at local hospitals, I saw this first hand.

During my freshman year at Ohio State I hope to not only continue what I enjoyed in high school, but to further it. I hope to get involved in research, more volunteering and joining more clubs. Plus, I might even try rowing or an intramural sport! I plan to really challenge myself academically as well, whether in my major courses or courses such as art and history. I am so excited for all this year has to offer and to explore the campus and Columbus!

Adriane Earley
