Final Strategic Life plan

Over the past semester I have been fortunate enough to participate in a Health Science Scholars Seminar. Through this course I have been able to explore various careers options, jobs either I would dislike or enjoy and the path I have to take to achieve my goal of becoming a Physician Assistant. Therefore, through the scholars seminar I have narrowed down my options for careers in the medical field I would actually enjoy, and it required me to create a career back up plan, which I had never thought about. Being in the scholars program opened my eyes to the fact that I truly did not enjoy my major, and pushed me to switch to the major to Health Sciences, which consequently aligns with my scholars program. The seminar this semester also taught me how to utilize many resources on campus, whether counseling or various libraries or tutors around campus. The program offers aid and resources outside of class and academics as well by providing insight into how we should be taking care of ourselves in college and where to go or who to seek if we are having a difficult time physically or mentally. The upperclassmen through the program, however, I would say are the best resource to utilize in any situation because they have been in our shoes, knowing how to handle hard classes or finding the quietest libraries. I hope to get even more out of the weekly meetings next semester even if it is no longer a course.


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