
AIAA Aviation Forum 2022 Presentation

Renske Nijveldt, a MS student and researcher in CSEL, presented on June 28th for the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Aviation Forum virtually. Renske’s paper, co-authored by Dr. Martijn IJtsma, is titled is titled “Cognitive Task Analysis of Contingency Management in Future Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management (UTM)”.  It provides an overview on the results of a Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) to explore challenges and identify needs for supporting coordination across various roles during contingency management in future UTM operations. 

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BW4T Experiment

The Cognitive Systems Engineering Lab (CSEL) is looking for participants for an experiment on coordination under time pressure, with the goal of better supporting coordination in high-stakes operations such as air traffic control and manned spaceflight operations.

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2022 Ohio Air Mobility Symposium


Renske Nijveldt, a MS student and researcher in CSEL, and Abhinay Paladugu, a PhD student and graduate researcher in CSEL, presented a poster on April 7th for the Ohio Air Mobility Symposium at The Ohio State University. The poster is titled “Design and Evaluation of Coordination for Advanced Air Mobility (AAM)”.  It provides an overview on support for coordination during anomalies in the system.

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From “bench” to bedside: science-based alarm management with high IMPActS

In my upcoming presentation at the Human Factors in Healthcare Symposium (March 21-23, 2022 in New Orleans, LA), Dr. Michael Rayo will walk through the contributions of our alarm research and design work made possible through our P30 grant awarded from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Dr. Rayo will step through the relevant science that was applied, the research and design process that was used, the relevant findings, and our current and future directions. Dr. Rayo will also discuss the successes and failures of each of our related interventions through the lens of the IMPActS framework, which can also be used as a design and implementation planning tool to anticipate potential barriers and facilitators (Fitzgerald, 2019).

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AIAA SciTech

Stephanie Duros, a MS student and graduate researcher in CSEL, presented a lecture on January 3 for The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) SciTech Forum in San Diego, CA. Stephanie’s paper, co-authored by Dr. Martijn IJtsma, is titled “Development of a Dynamic Model of Adaptation in Distributed Work Systems”. It provides an overview on distributed work systems such as disaster response operations.

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TDAI Fall Forum

Renske Nijveldt, a MS student and researcher in CSEL, and Abhinay Paladugu, a PhD student and graduate researcher in CSEL, presented a poster on November 2nd for the Translational Data Analytics Institute (TDAI) Fall Forum at The Ohio State University. The poster is titled “Modeling the Work of Coordination for Supporting Advanced Air Mobility (AAM)”.  It provides an overview on challenges such as automation surprises & coordination and work load sharing for anomaly responses related to the introduction of new technologies in AAM.

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HFES Presentation – “Requirements for Computational Approaches To Analyzing Resilience in Human-Machine Teams”

Jacob Keller, a MS student and graduate researcher in CSEL, presented a lecture on October 6th for the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 65th International Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD. Jacob’s paper, co-authored by Dr. Martijn IJtsma, is titled “Requirements for Computational Approaches To Analyzing Resilience in Human-Machine Teams”. It provides an overview of computational models, exploring novel approaches to identifying human-machine team resilience computationally.

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Joint Activity Testing: Towards a Multi-Dimensional, High-Resolution Evaluation for Human-Machine Teaming

Dane Morey, a Ph.D. student, and Dante Della Vella, an MS student, both graduate research associates in CSEL, presented a poster on October 6, 2021, for the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) International Conference. The poster is titled “Joint Activity Testing: Towards a Multi-Dimensional, High-Resolution Evaluation for Human-Machine Teaming”. It provides an overview of how CSEL has operationalized its Joint Activity Testing (JAT) methodology in four domains to evaluate how the performance of human-machine teams changes as challenges to the system increases.

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HFES Presentation – “Modeling the Effects of Machine Rigidities on Joint Work Strategies”

Katie Albert, a CSEL MS student, presented a lecture on October 5th at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 65th International Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD. Katie’s paper is titled “Modeling the Effects of Machine Rigidities on Joint Work Strategies” and is co-authored by Dr. Martijn IJtsma. This presentation proposed representing the work domain as a network to identify interdependencies that support opportunistic adaptation.

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