Poindexter Place
Our group researched Poindexter Place (211 N Champion Ave. Columbus, OH, 43203). It is owned and managed by the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA). CMHA operates with federal funds received from the provisions of the Ohio Housing Finance Agency’s Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Poindexter Place serves seniors with affordable apartment housing. The 104 unit building was completed in 2016. It is classified as multi-family (Z73-197, Multi-family, ARLD, 4/11/1974, H-35). It has 106,969 square feet and is currently worth approximately $4,000,000.
Site Evaluation – Document with Pictures
Our building matches the surrounding architecture style because much of what surrounds it is other Poindexter public housing projects. The village at large does not blend well into the surrounding single-family homes. It is taller than surrounding buildings because of the fact that it is a two-story apartment building. It is denser than surrounding buildings because it is an apartment building next to duplexes and single-family homes. We believe that this building is attractive. It is a fairly new building, but it is well-designed and has a nostalgic feel. The immediate surroundings are similar and form a small community, but outside of Poindexter, the single-family homes are different.
The property is well-maintained, the landscaping and lawn look nice, and the building seems to be kept in adequate shape. The only negative thing we noticed was the trash was overflowing, but it could have been trash day because it was not too bad. There seemed to be enough parking spaces for visitors and for the seniors to have a space for a vehicle too. Landscaping was great, but there could have been more shrubbery and trees. There was a large fence around the parts that were not accessible by people passing by. It definitely could have interacted with the street a little better, but overall it was not too bad. Signage and lighting were clear. There was no graffiti, and we already mentioned the trash issue.
Nearby Businesses and Type
The nearby land uses were primarily public housing or other residential areas. Business does not really exist close, as most of it is near I-71 on E Long Street or on Mt. Vernon Avenue. There is not a grocery store within a mile.
We saw bus stops at the corner of the lot, we saw that there were lines 22 and 7 going through there. The stops were well maintained.
Secondary Effects
These are the buffer distances and the number of crimes at each buffer: 500 ft = 21 crimes, 1000 ft = 61 crimes, 0.25miles = 90 crimes, 0.5miles = 167 crimes. When the buffer is set at 0.5 miles, the crime is concentrated at the northwestern , region of the property, which is around the intersection of N 20th Street and Mt Vernon Avenue. Among those crimes, the most common type is assault, which constitutes nearly one-third of total cases.
Property Values and Education
The median Zestimate for nearby properties is $148,200, and home values seem to be on the rise. As you zoom out, the trend seems to be that property values go up, although they are inconsistent across the board. Trevitt Elementary, Champion Middle, and East High are located relatively close to Poindexter Place. All schools are below average; they score a 1/10, 3/10, 2/10, respectively