Site : Creative Living Center – 1531 Perry St. Columbus, OH 43201
Name of the Property: the Creative Learning Center
Owner/Manager: Creative Living Inc.
Type of Funding: ⅓ contributions (donations), ¼ resident rent fees, ⅓ HUD rent subsidy (US department of Housing and Urban Development)
Population Served: 34 disabled individuals
Year Built:N/A
Number of Buildings: One
Number of Units: 18 units
Land Use Classification: Multi- family
Square Footage of Building: N/A
Total Assessed Value: Net assets – $2,003,011
Site Evaluation – Document with Pictures
Examine this property within the built environment.
Does the property:
- Match the surrounding architectural style/building materials?
- Fit the scale (same height and density) of the surrounding buildings?
- Is it an apartment building next to single-family homes?
- Would you consider this to be an attractive or unattractive building?
- Are surrounding buildings similar or different?
Walk around the property and examine the landscaping and maintenance of the
property. Is the property well maintained or do certain things need to be fixed or
cleaned up? If so, what are they?
Things to examine: Number of spaces and condition of parking lot; landscaping; trees;
streetscape improvements; fencing; signage; lighting; graffiti; trash
Nearby Businesses and Type
What are the nearby land uses?
– Research Park ( OSU),Commercial use (west of Olentangy River rd.), Residential (east of campus)
Is it mostly residential or are there businesses?
– ⅓ split between Collegiate land, Residential, and Commercial
What types of businesses exist?
How far away is the nearest grocery store?
– The Kroger on King ave. is 0.9 miles from the Creative Living Center.
How far is the nearest bus stop?
– The closest is a ten minute walk north to Medical Center Dr. and W 9th ave.
What lines are accessible?
– Neil ave. & King Ave. (to the east), King Ave. & Olentangy Trail. (west), Medical center Dr. & 9th ave. (north), All within 2 miles.
How well are these stops maintained?
– The Neil and King stop as well as the King and Olentangy trail stop both do not have shelter from inclimate weather while the Medical Center Dr. stop does.
Secondary Effects
Set buffer and examine crime analytics at 500ft, 1000ft, .25 miles, and .5 mile. How
many crimes occurred at each distance?
500ft.- none
1000ft.- Robbery Near medical campus
.25 miles- Robbery (near MC)
.5 miles- 6 counts of misdemeanor thefts, 1 burglary, and 1 Robbery.
When the buffer is set at .5 mile, use the density map to examine crime. Is crime the hottest/most dense (red) around the property, or is it concentrated elsewhere?
- The most crimes committed around the property are committed elsewhere, moreso allocated towards the west Commercial properties and East in the more dense residential living area.
Look at the density at different levels and see if this changes. What type of crimes are most common?
– The most common crime are theft around this area, while burglaries are the second most common. The third ranking crime would be robberies.
Property Values and Education
Zoom in to your property and examine the zestimate values for nearby properties within
500ft, 1000ft, and .25 miles. Do values tend to increase or decrease as you move further
away from your property? Why might this be? Do you think it relates to the affordable
– Prices for housing tend to trend higher as the distance increases away from the Living Center. This may relate to other properties not having government subsidised grants and rely more heavily on the income of the residents living there. also , the property location and cost to maintain the respective properties may differ from site to site.
Select schools on the map and determine which nearby schools are located nearby. List
and write what score they received from GreatScores. Make sure your building is in that
school district.
- Huber Master School (PK-6th grade) scored a 3/10
- Indianola Informal School (K-8th grade) scored a 4/10
- (6th-8th grade) scored a 6/10
Final Blog :
Site Characteristics
The site that was selected for our team was the Creative Living Center located at 1531 Perry street in Columbus ohio. This property is owned by the Creative Living Incorporation that specializes in affordable living environments. The company is able to achieve their low cost goal by receiving funding form various amounts of contributors. Looking at the graph below, it is shown th each contributor of all funding to the Living center.Government subsidies from the United States Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD) are responsible for 38.7% of the funding to the site and is the highest revenue source. Second would be contributions from programs such as golf banquets, bouquet of flavors, and the annual campaign income creates 26.9% of the chart. Rent and residential fees make up 17.5% of the revenue and the last portion of the chart is comprised of investment income at 16.6%.
With sustainable funding and multiple sources of revenue the net value for the Creative Living Center is $2,003,011 in total. These revenue resources allow the Creative Living center to create an affordable living space for 34 residents spread across 18 units on the multi-family zoned property.
Site Aesthetics
At this particular location, the Creative Living Center specializes in creating cost effective living conditions for disabled people that require more accomodations for its inhabitants. The building is a single story brick structure built around a small courtyard in the middle, which is great for those unable to walk up stairs. Around the perimeter of the residents apartments the building is hidden behind a tall fence that creates both a border from the building to the street and allows the residents a small lot private greenland. To the north of the building, just across Medical Center Drive, is the Ohio State Comprehensive Medical Center which is comprised of hospitals and laboratories in towering buildings with brick and glass facades. This location is also beneficial to disabled persons because of its close proximity of a hospital if an emergency were to occur. Surrounding the other directions though is residential land made up of mostly two and three story houses that also have wood and brick motifs. The Buildings placement on the edge of commercial and residential land allows it to blend in with the built environment as it serves as a medium from single family housing to the commercial landscape of the Cancer center. The use of brick and other materials used by both the houses and apartment complex allows the space to fit in with the design characteristics of the surrounding houses.
The complex also seems to share the same age as the surrounding environment. Walking around the structure the pale olive shutters of the windows and almost dirited white paint on the trim looked identical to the upkeep of the surrounding homes. The weathering on the exterior showed its age but the structural integrity seemed strong.Surrounding sidewalks were in great condition with minimal cracking and the back alley way was level with gravel. There was not a lot of litter on the ground and the grass was clean and green. The parking lot on the side allowed for more than enough space for the residents. The paved pathways would allow for easy mobility for those in wheelchairs or other disabilities. Without a car, the 0.9 mile walk/roll to the nearest kroger would be achievable via sidewalks. Overall the condition of the area was accommodating and in great condition.
Transport to and from the Living center are readily available in the surrounding area. The most comfortable and closest one in proximity would be the Medical Center dr. and West 9th ave. bus stop. From there you are able to take it to High street and past King ave. This stop is also the closest one that has a small weather shelter for adverse conditions.
There are also two other bus stops around the building. One of which would be the Neil ave. & King Ave. bus stop to the east as well as the King Ave. & Olentangy Trail to the west. The drawback to these two spots though is that they do not offer any shelters while waiting. While the bus stops may be available, the site also has access to a parking lot on the side. Given its location so close to campus, having parking in a dense place is a highly valued commodity for those residents planning on driving for their first mode of transportation.
Traveling may seem dangerous while being in such a populated area, especially at night. The crime reports around the area reflect that the area gets more dangerous the father away someone moves the Apartment complex. Within the immediate surrounding area at 500ft. There had not been any crimes committed. The only crime that had been committed within .25 miles was a robbery near the Medical Campus. As we extended our range farther we found that within .5 miles we found that there were 6 misdemeanor thefts, 1 burglary, and 1 robbery. Utilizing the maps it was shown that the most crime committed was not in the residential area but more localized towards the commercial area such as the Medical Center and area near Olentangy river road. The most common crime was misdemeanor thefts which are localized in high traffic areas.
Like the amount of crime, the property values for the surrounding area also increases with the distance away from the Creative Living Center. As property value increases the school districts also get better, for instance, the closet school to the Living Center is the Huber Master School which had only scored a 3/10 on a school rating scale called GreatScores. The Indianola Informal School was rated a 4/10 but it was father away. Lastly, the Columbus Collegiate Academy scored a 6/10 being the highest ranking, but also the farthest away.