Planned Neighborhood Blog 5: “A Brownfield goes Green”

While arriving at the brownfield site on Kelton and Oak many emotions come to mind. One might feel scared, hopeless, disinterested, or solemn. The surrounding neighbors seem to have an evident divide. Looking through the lens of planner, however, one can see potential for a thriving site that will contribute to a much deserving community.

Street view of the current lot



Street view of the current lot

We have the vision of creating a space that will not only stimulate the area economically, but as a community. We imagine spaces that will narrow divides and provide a forum for unity. Planned Neighborhood aims to develop a local produce hub along with a community-learning center. In addition our plan is to include a local brewery and tap house that will provide the near by residents with a relaxing get away from their normal hustle and bustle. This development will be named The Trolley Barn Block.


The Westernmost side of the site will house our Barn Brewery and parking area.



Current conditions, westernmost building


Current conditions, westernmost building


Bar name and logo

Redevelopment proposal, front view

The more centralized region of the cite will be the home of our community gardens, where local gardeners can purchase a small plot to grow crops, herbs, and flowers.


Current conditions, mid site

Current conditions, mid site


Redevelopment proposal

On the Eastern most region of the site will be located the Trolley Car Market, Community Center, learning Kitchen, and Loading Dock. The learning kitchen will act, as an instructional site where families can learn about healthy options and how to prepare fresh meals. Our Community center will be used as a space for family gatherings, community events, etc.


Current conditions, easternmost building


Current conditions, easternmost building


Market name and logo


Redevelopment proposal, front view

This Brownfield Site will be accessible through many modes of transportation. Our consumers will be able to travel to the site on bus, by bike, driving, or with a quick walk. There will be parking amenities for guests, both for bike and cars, as well as street parking in case of overflow.


Redevelopment Site Plan

We imagine that although many neighbors will greatly favor our proposal, there will be skeptics. One concern could be that because this site is a brownfield, chemicals and toxins could have infiltrated the ground making it unsafe to grow healthy crops. We have a plan to clean the area of toxins through soil treatments, growth of plants that will revitalize the plots and the use of compost to create a healthy soil for our families. The compost will be provided from our Farmers Market and Brewery leftovers. Another concern might be that our site will cause commotion in what is a relatively calm neighborhood. Although we do hope to bring traffic to the area, our plan is that we will create a serene space that one can visit to relax, run errands, or learn. In addition, we have taken measures that will act as a buffer to minimize noise from inside the development such as trees and shrubbery. Finally, we know that the brewery could have a negative stigmas associated with it. Our vision for the Brewery is to have a tap house restaurant location that would have an inviting and relaxed feel. This would be a family restaurant and have a separate brew room were customers could indulge in a few beverages. The establishment would have normal business hours, closing at ten on weekdays and midnight on the weekends, to respect the neighbors and reduce commotion and noise.

Overall, We know that the Trolley Barn Block will pay tribute to its roots but add a modern twist to the present neighborhood. We want our guests to be able to see landmarks such as the trolley barn and know that was the same trolley barn that their grandparents passed walking home from church each Sunday. In addition, we want to create a space that will one day be a lasting asset for the community and be a new piece of history for the site.

Explore Nation: Brownfield Redevelopment Client Work

The Roseway Railyard

Currently, the site contains three large, predominately brick buildings along with two smaller buildings. The landscape is overgrown and trash litters the area. Bricks in disrepair cover some areas of the ground, while others are mostly dirt. In addition, in the middle of the site there is an irregular ditch and densely growing plants. The buildings themselves are in poor condition. Rotting wood, broken windows, and collapsed sections of roof are all part of the site. The brick on the eastern and western-most buildings is in relatively good condition along with the stone at the base of the western most building. However the surrounding area is mostly residential with a small park, a family center and a corner store to the south, and the Franklin Park Conservatory to the north.

The eastern most building in its current condition.

The eastern most building in its current condition.

Relationship to human-size

Relationship to human-size.

Brick pavement already on site.

Brick pavement already on site.

Development plan:

Historic sites, such as the Rose Avenue Car Barn, should be reused and redeveloped because it helps to create a local neighborhood feeling, a place that is unlike any other. It’s important to maintain facilities as much as possible, and incorporate design elements from these areas into new construction or thought processes.

Overall, we wanted to create a family/tourist friendly area by re-purposing the old buildings and creating a new market space. Our first idea is to transform the old trolley barn (western-most building) into a streetcar museum, complete with a small café and gift shop located in actual street cars that designate the main entrance to the museum on the north façade.

The current condition of the museum space. Notice the skylights filtering natural light in to the space.

The current condition of the museum space. Notice the skylights filtering natural light in to the space.

The space inside of the museum would utilize its natural skylights and the large garage door facing Kelton would be sealed, but maintained as much as possible, and a new entrance would be on the northern side of the building, facing the parking lot. This concept gives the building a new purpose, while maintaining its past, drawing in families, tourists, and education based groups to learn about the history of streetcars in Columbus.







Shows which direction the loop would run, the new open-space event/market area, and the handicapped parking. Also shows the pond and the positioning of all buildings to be maintained as per the plan.

Shows which direction the loop would run, the new open-space event/market area, and the handicapped parking. Also shows the pond and the positioning of all buildings to be maintained as per the plan.

In the middle of the lot, we have planned a newly constructed, open, indoor marketplace with restaurants, groceries from farmer’s markets and event space. Local families can shop, dine, and attend events without having to leave their neighborhood. It is built in a style that reflects the lower density of the area and brings modernity to contrast the very traditional, old buildings on site, bringing the area into the 21st century, whilst recessed from the street view to help maintain the neighborhood aesthetic. The back wall, on the northernmost side of the loop, would be covered in murals from people who utilize the site.

The new, open event/market space with capacity for a restaurant.

The new, open event/market space with capacity for a restaurant.


Scan_20151026 (2)

Roses and trees, ivy on the walls, and proposed ideas for the westernmost building, complete with the streetcars on the northern face of the building.

The plan for the easternmost building is to convert the northernmost section into a community art gallery and the southern most section into a bar or cocktail lounge with a relaxed setting. South of the market and lounge we have a rainwater pond that can be used as an ice rink in the winter, and a picnic area that can be used by the site’s visitors and community members. The southern façade of the lounge that borders the picnic area will also serve as a community mural where locals can write words of inspiration on a chalk-painted wall. Other aspects of our plan help to bring a sense of history and cohesiveness to the site. Our first aspect is landscape. Kelton Ave used to be named Rose Ave, so we thought that it was important to bring roses into the landscape along with trees and other vegetation that borders and runs throughout the site.

Gateway archways reflecting the arches that used to power streetcars in Columbus.

Gateway archways reflecting the arches that used to power streetcars in Columbus.

We also will use arches that form a gateway over the entrance and exits in order to continue the streetcar concept and give the site identity. The pedestrian paths will be made out of repurposed brick from the torn down buildings in order to maintain history and the aesthetic of the site. One way vehicular circulation throughout the site also incorporates the streetcar concept, as the one-way loop resembles the route of a streetcar. There will also be handicap spaces available on the loop between the market area and the gallery.

The eastern most building, with the middle section that has a collapsed roof re-purposed as a garden between the gallery and lounge.

The eastern most building, with the middle section that has a collapsed roof re-purposed as a garden between the gallery and lounge.

Overview of eastern most building

Overview of eastern most building

Garden view, looking at gallery

Garden view, looking at gallery


The residents surrounding the site may have issues with the increased traffic, and increased activity in the space that could disrupt their daily lives. However, they would most likely be more inclined to embrace the redevelopment of the site. It will bring in new economic opportunities for the residents, create a community oriented space, and will retain its historic value through the redevelopment of the eastern and western-most buildings.


5 Beers and a Coke: Brownfield Redevelopment Plan Work

The Hop Yard SITE PLAN

The site houses numerous rundown structures, with roughly three sections of buildings all with needs of repair. Beyond the buildings, the sites landscape is a relatively flat gravel lot, with numerous areas being covered in a mess of straw and overgrown greenspace. The neighboring community around finds itself as substantially residential, with parks scattered throughout. Notably, a block north lies the large Franklin Conservatory Park, and to the immediate south of the site lies Rainbow Park. The housing in the immediate region are generally lower income, but half a mile due east lies Bexley, which is higher income housing options as well as Capital University.


sketch of site

Drawing 1

South entrance for parking

Drawing 2




Microwbrew_OutsideWe identified the lack of grocery stores and healthy restaurants in the area as a large problem and one that should be at the forefront of our design. With the site being centrally located to a large amount of residential, we decided that not only could we offer a place that provides a space to grow healthy, locally sourced food for the surrounding residents, but also become a center of local commerce and social activity.

The negative impact of constructing new buildings on the site helped shape our philosophy toward development. We tried to utilize the shells of the preexisting buildings and repurpose the core. With the old train car shed, we envision a reinvention of the car stalls to house small vendors and create an indoor, Microbrew_insidelocally sourced market. The eastern most portion of the site is repurposed as a community garden space that utilizes the old structures as indoor greenhouses and storage for the adjacent gardens. On the interior of the site, we made a brewery that uses the old brick walls of the middle structure to produce interior dining and exterior biergartens. The brewery uses an adjacent hop yard to offset the amount of outside ingredients it will need to ship in. A small, farm-to-table restaurant allows for a family friendly dining experience while the brewery can serve as a place for social exchange.


findlay_marketOur group made a design choice to not include public, onsite parking to discourage non-local patronage. Street side parking is available for those that need to drive, but the permeability of the site encourages local residents to walk. The Hop Yard is designed with the local population in mind and we felt that this small inconvenience allowed for a more community friendly place and at the same time avoids the harmful effects associated with car use. The site is serviced by a bus station (COTA 11) across the street, encouraging public transportation use.


The Hop Yard is designed to be a connecting part of a larger movement of smaller community gardens in the   area. Growing Hearts and Hands Community Garden is just one of many community gardens that The Hop Yard can foster relationships with and begin to develop a new identity for the East Side of Columbus, with our site being the central hub.



Brings a liveliness to the community as a whole

Provides a relative food source

Stimulates local economy

Gives community identity


Causes commercial activity in a residential area

Could possible cause gentrified areas local to the site

Trolley Market : Blog Assignment 5 – The Chaire of Pierre

Trolley Market


The existing site of Trolley Market is situated south of Franklin Park at the intersection Oak St. and Kelton Ave. This area on the east side of Columbus is mostly residential and right by one of the nice parks of Columbus, so there is not much of a need for more housing or another park. We wanted to create a new purposeful use for this area that was not too intrusive to the existing infrastructure. One of our member’s home town has a local restaurant that is situated right in the middle of a residential area that she was very fond of. The locals in her town have adopted the restaurant into their culture and it is their preferred place to gather. In the northeast corner, we want to repurpose the one building into a locally themed restaurant and bar. We want to make these two separate buildings connected by a patio area. Our restaurant, “Trolley’s”, would be a small business that will add local attraction to the area. We are making it a priority to utilize the buildings already there instead of rebuilding new structures to instill historical integrity in the area. Plotting a restaurant on this site seemed like a good idea to us because there aren’t many other dining options in the immediate area.

The southwest building that it already there will be turned into a fresh food market called The Trolley Market. Like the northwest structure, we will be simply restructuring the building that is already there. We will, however be adding a greenhouse on the east side of the building to keep up with our produce production in the winter. One of our priorities was being able to provide fresh healthy food to residents in the surrounding area. By creating a garden, a market, and a greenhouse, we have created multiple options for local residents to reach these needs. We found inspiration for our market area from the Quincy Market in Boston, Massachusetts. Clearly Trolley Market will be on a much smaller scale but will resemble the vendor style farmer’s market.

Quincy Market (

Quincy Market

We’ve created a garden area using approximately one-third of the site. Here we will grow fresh produce to be sold both in the market place, as well as be used in the restaurant. All of our areas on site are easily accessible, and have paths to get through the garden and to arrive to each section. We designated the area between the restaurant and the garden for a parking lot. We have one-way entrance and exit lanes to make traffic flow easier. We plan to incorporate landscaping around the perimeter of our site to make it look appealing.




As mentioned, we want to use as much of the existing structures as possible. Understanding the age and condition of the property, much of it will need to be refurbished. The historic value is very important to us, so the size of the buildings will be determined by pre-existing conditions. The redevelopment of brownfields is often something that is overlooked, but when done properly, can allow developers to save/maintain historic places. By saving these structures, we are creating a link to the past of when The Old Trolley Barn was in use.


We believe that the neighbors to the site will be happy with what is being done with the property. Our development proposal is in our opinion non-intrusive, and will incorporate community involvement.