This session delves into all aspects of the promotion system including national reputation, demonstrating impact, and writing a dossier. Join Crista Marbley and other staff from the College’s Faculty Affairs office, to learn about tools and templates to assist them in building and or updating their current dossier for promotion.
Continue reading Everything P&T: Your core dossier – what you need to knowUncategorized
Educational research spotlight: Manuscript submission tips
Preparing a manuscript requires a lot of work and dedication. After weeks, sometimes months, of waiting, authors are asked to make revisions, if the manuscript is even considered for publication. This session will feature a panel of current and past journal reviewers who will identify common manuscript errors they encounter and how to avoid them to help increase your chances for publication.
Continue reading Educational research spotlight: Manuscript submission tipsAcademic Misconduct
Learn about the OSU University Guidelines and Faculty Resources, with focus on the multiple definitions and interpretations of plagiarism within various student populations. This session, facilitated by Jennifer Whetstone, PhD, from the Office of Academic Affairs Committee on Academic Misconduct, will help participants identify evidence-based tools and procedures that can be used in addressing academic misconduct, while developing skills to guide learners in prevention of plagiarism within their individual teaching.
Continue reading Academic MisconductIncentivizing Mentorship
During this virtual session, our expert, Theresa Rohr-Kirchgraber, MD, from the University of Georgia, will discuss strategies to incentive mentorship and show how mentoring benefits the mentor. Additionally, we will discuss opportunities for informal mentorship that helps a mentee without a significant burden of time for the mentor.
Continue reading Incentivizing MentorshipNIH Data Management and Sharing Policy
Join us for an introduction to the new NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy which will go into effect on January 25, 2023. This policy will apply to all new funding applications on or after this date and requires that applicants include a DMS plan as part of their application materials. Compliance with the submitted and accepted plan will be assessed, and non-compliance can impact future funding. This informational session will introduce the policy, as well as the tools and resources provided by Ohio State to help you.
Continue reading NIH Data Management and Sharing PolicyHow to write an impactful NIH R01/R21/R03 grant: a reviewer’s perspective
Learn tips on how to write an impactful Specific Aims page, respond to critiques for a resubmission Introduction, and general guidelines about the Research Strategy for NIH R01/R21/R03 grants. Learn how to consider the reviewer’s perspective of how the 5 scored criteria determine the Impact score and how a study section is conducted.
Continue reading How to write an impactful NIH R01/R21/R03 grant: a reviewer’s perspectiveEducational research spotlight: Introduction to mixed-methods research
Mixed-methods research combines the best of both quantitative and qualitative worlds. This research design allows researchers to collect evidence from multiple sources and triangulate their findings. Attendees will learn the benefits and challenges of implementing this type of design.
Continue reading Educational research spotlight: Introduction to mixed-methods researchDriving feedback with best practices
Feedback is an essential component of clinical education but is not only underused but often, ineffective. Take steps to better understand the theoretical framework for feedback and gain practical steps to improve feedback to your students as well as colleagues. Join College of Medicine and the Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning to gain in-depth understanding of feedback best practices. This session is designed for an in-person audience however it will be broadcasted (not interactive) for people who need to watch remotely.
Continue reading Driving feedback with best practicesConnecting with your students in the virtual environment
Our goals as faculty are always to use teaching best practices but how do we gain that interactive component in the virtual environment? Join FAME and Office of Technology and Digital Innovation to learn how to translate your teaching to the virtual environment.
Continue reading Connecting with your students in the virtual environmentEssentials of two-group comparison analyses
Do you have a dataset that contains two distinct groups that you want to compare? Do you lack the resources or technical skills to understand if there is a meaningful difference between these two groups? This session will serve as a guide from data cleaning, checking necessary assumptions to performing and interpreting your results. Example datasets will be used to practice using both Microsoft Excel and SPSS.
Continue reading Essentials of two-group comparison analyses