Managing teaching and publishing expectations can be tough. How can you leverage your teaching duties and assignments and turn them into publications? What strategies can be implemented to help a busy clinician become a productive scholar? This spotlight session will be a panel of seasoned clinicians who have navigated the challenging task of being an effective teacher and productive scholar.
Continue reading Educational Research Spotlight – Dealing with Frustration: Balancing Academic Duties and Publishing ExpectationsAuthor: danes.12
Educational Research Spotlight – Open Workshop: ANOVAs, ANCOVAs, KW, Oh My!
This session is a continuation of the two-group comparisons session that was held last year. In research, we often want to compare three or more groups in an intervention. But which test is appropriate? What assumptions must be met for multi-group analyses. This spotlight session will cover which tests are appropriate for the research question being answered and the data collected.
Continue reading Educational Research Spotlight – Open Workshop: ANOVAs, ANCOVAs, KW, Oh My!Building Meaningful Mentoring Relationships
This online session will provide fundamentals of initiating a mentoring relationship, determining expectations, and navigating mentoring difficulties. Facilitated by Dr. Don Benson, professor of Internal Medicine and a member of FAME’s Mentorship Committee.
Continue reading Building Meaningful Mentoring RelationshipsEducational Research Spotlight – Hidden Tools in Your Toolbox: Uncovering Educational Technology
Educational technology is becoming more advanced and prominent across the curriculum. These new tools can be intimidating without necessary training and exposure before implementing them in a class setting. This session will serve as an introduction to tools that are easily accessible by all faculty but may still be considered “cutting-edge” to those who are not the most tech savvy.
Continue reading Educational Research Spotlight – Hidden Tools in Your Toolbox: Uncovering Educational TechnologyWOW your audience with your next presentation
Learn practical and creative use of Microsoft 365 PowerPoint to create effective presentations that will grab your audience attention and meet accessibility standards. Find additional materials from this presentation at
Continue reading WOW your audience with your next presentationEducational research spotlight: Building effective and efficient survey questions
Survey research is one of the most used research designs. There is a strong likelihood that you have been asked to complete at least one survey this week. However, designing a good survey requires understanding how to write quality items and an understanding of how to order them. This session will provide guidance for how to select items that measure the construct of interest, how to order items to increase response and completion rates, and even how to write a good survey question.
Continue reading Educational research spotlight: Building effective and efficient survey questionsEverything P&T: Gathering Journal Article Metrics: Citation Counts and Altmetrics
Do you need to gather citation information and other metrics for your publications for promotion or other purposes? This workshop will cover the basics of how citation and altmetric data is created, which databases and tools include them, and how to export that information out of the databases for your own records.
Continue reading Everything P&T: Gathering Journal Article Metrics: Citation Counts and AltmetricsAmy Caruso Brown: Introduction to Upstate anti-bias checklist
Join Dr. Amy Caruso Brown as she introduces the curricular Anti-Bias checklist that is used throughout the US for curricular review in medicine and the health sciences. Amy Caruso Brown, MD, MSc, MSCS, is the Interim Chair of Bioethics and Humanities and an Associate Professor of Bioethics and Humanities and of Pediatrics at SUNY Upstate Medical University. Participants will learn the rationale for anti-bias review in curriculum and identify steps they can use to incorporate the anti-bias checklist within their own teaching and curricular development.
Continue reading Amy Caruso Brown: Introduction to Upstate anti-bias checklistLeveraging sponsorship to build your reputation in academic medicine
While mentorship is a central tenet of professional development, sponsorship is critical to career advancement in academic medicine and health sciences. Join us as Manasa Ayyala, MD, from the New Jersey Medical School at Rutgers, for a live virtual talk from an expert in sponsorship where we discuss the benefits and role of sponsorship in advancing faculty and in promoting gender and racial diversity to high-level leadership opportunities.
Continue reading Leveraging sponsorship to build your reputation in academic medicineEverything P&T: Writing your narrative
The professional narrative is one of the most important if not the most important part of your dossier. This session will review how to write this narrative, which in many ways has the components of any well-told story and illustrates how to emphasize to all who review the dossier the theme of your work and its importance.
Continue reading Everything P&T: Writing your narrative