Curriculum Design for Medicine and the Health Sciences

The Curriculum Design Cohort is a 5-month program combining in-person workshops, independent work, and peer observation to help faculty develop advanced teaching and educational program design skills. Participants will learn to facilitate learners’ knowledge acquisition, design and assess curricula for educational programs and incorporate best practices for active learning and technology strategies into curricula. The goal of this cohort is to enhance and improve teaching skills and design a curriculum that includes evidence-based adult learning strategies, assessments, and programmatic evaluation. In doing so, faculty will develop greater autonomy in developing and maintaining educational programming.

Participants who successfully complete this program will receive a teaching endorsement from the Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning

About the Program

For more information about cohort membership, topics, session dates, and other information please read the Program Overview linked below.

How to Apply

We are now accepting applications for the 2025 Curriculum Design for Medicine and the Health Sciences Cohort. Please apply by 11:59 PM on Sunday, October 20th.

Upon submission of an application, please hold the program/workshop dates listed in the Program Overview on your calendar to ensure availability if admitted into the Curriculum Design program.

Using the Application Link above, you will be asked to provide the following information:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Professional Head Shot
  • Narrative Questions
    • What is your current experience with teaching and/or contributing to a curriculum? In addition, please list any educational positions you may have held previously. (max 250 words)
    • What is your interest in curriculum design, and how do you hope to use the information you will learn in this course? (max 250 words)
    • Are you working on a current curriculum/course where you can apply the learning topics for this course? If not, do you have any ideas of curriculum you would like to design using the information in this course? (max 250 words)
    • What are your goals and aspirations related to teaching and educational development/leadership? (max 250 words)

The applicant’s Division Director or Department Chair must approve that the applicant will be provided the time to attend if accepted into the program. The FAME team will contact the Division Director or Chair for approval if accepted.

Application Window for the 2025 Cohort

  • Application Deadline: Sunday, Oct 20th, 2024 by 11:59 PM
  • Notification of Acceptance: November 2024
  • Program Timeline: The program begins in January 2025 and concludes in June 2025