This page captures the exceptional work of my graduate students. Links will take you directly to their dissertations and theses and you can find additional publication on our publication page. As you can see, we cover the world and bring a range of issues to life! To learn more about the work that undergraduates have done as part of TRL, please click here: undergraduate theses and research posters. If you’d like to join us please contact Dr. Cohen at We look forward to hearing from you.
Natalia Zotova, doctoral dissertation: From Desire to Despair and Back Again: The Contested Relationship Between Migration and Mental Health Among Central Asian Migrants. PhD, 2020, post-doctoral researcher, Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
Enzo Zaccaredelli, MA Thesis: Arancini: A Contested Symbol of Sicilian Identity, 2020.
Lisa M. Beiswenger, doctoral dissertation: “Bringing People Together Around Food”: The Social Life of Findlay Market. PhD, 2019. Visiting professor of anthropology, University of Akron, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Saint Francis University.
MA thesis: Entertainment, provisioning, and shopping habits at North Market, Columbus, Ohio, 2013.
Gordon L. Ulmer, doctoral dissertation: Extraction, Conservation, and Household Multiplicity in the Peruvian Amazon. PhD, 2018. Post-Doctoral Scholar, SMU; Assistant professor, California State University, Humboldt.
MA Thesis: From gold mining to the golden prison of ecotourism lodges in Madre de Dios, Amazonia Perú, 2011
Tannya Forcone, MA Thesis: Scraps and Leftovers: the challenges and strategies of food insecure university students, 2018.
Frances Sutton, MA Thesis: Defining the Liminal Athlete: An Exploration of the Multi-Dimensional Liminal Condition in Professional Sport, 2017.
Mark Anthony Arceño, MA Thesis: On Consuming and Constructing Material and Symbolic Culture: An Anthropology of Pictorial Representations of Food-Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDGs), 2015.
Philip Brettschneider, MA thesis: Inequality, egalitarianism, and occupy Atlanta, 2014.
Gayatri S. Thampy, doctoral dissertation: Tourism and Land Conflict in a Caribbean Paradise: The Case of the Ngobe in Bocas Del Toro, Panama. PhD, 2013. Independent scholar, adjunct faculty, Denison University.
Marian F. Shaffer, doctoral dissertation: This is South Africa, Not Somalia: Negotiating Gender Relations in Johannesburg’s ‘Little Mogadishu’. PhD, 2012. Post-Doctoral fellow, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland; Post-Doctoral fellow, Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg, SA; Director, IRB, Franklin University.
Bernardo R. Rios, doctoral dissertation: Culture Migration and Sport: A Bi-National Investigation of Southern Mexican Migrant Communities in Oaxaca, Mexico and Los Angeles, California. PhD, 2012. Post-Doctoral fellow; Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Skidmore College.
Nydia Merino Chavez, Mexicanidad in Ohio: Identity and Stress in Columbus, 2010.
Lexine Trask, doctoral dissertation: The Barriers to Economic Self-Reliance: An Ethnographic Study of Low-Income Single Mothers in Prince George’s County Maryland. PhD, 2009. lecturer, OSU and Ohio University.