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Mitchel, Andrew, Food And Expertise: My Research on Oaxacan Food. FoodAnthro, Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition blog. 2024.
Also available through JSTOR at
With Nidia Mata-Sanchez. 2021. Challenges, Inequalities and COVID-19: examples from indigenous Oaxaca, Mexico. Global Public Health. DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2020.1868548.
Zotova, Natalia & Jeffrey H. Cohen, 2020. Left Behind? Russia’s Entry Bars and Gender Relations in Tajikistan. Nationalities Papers, 48(4): 675-689.
2020. Editorial: Modeling Migration, Insecurity and COVID-19. Migration Letters, Volume 17(3):405-410.
Zotova, N & JH Cohen, 2019. Class Dynamics in Tajikistan: Development of Urban Middle Class at the Intersection of Migration and Capital. Population, Space and Place, 25: e2251.
Crews, DE, NC Kawa, JH Cohen, GL Ulmer & AN Edes. 2019. Climate Change, Uncertainty, and Allostatic Load. Annals of Human Biology: 1-46.
Pei, S & JH Cohen, 2019. Living with Livestock: The Nu and the Value of Local Voice in Rural Chinese Development. Journal of Rural and Community Development, volume 14 (1): 19-34.
Tuggle, AC, JH Cohen & DE Crews, 2018. Stress, migration, and allostatic load: A model based on Mexican migrants in Columbus, Ohio. Journal of Physiological Anthropology, volume 37(1)
Sumata, Cl & JH Cohen, 2018. The Congolese diaspora and the politics of remittances. Remittance Review, vol. 3 (2):95-108.
Sirkeci, I, JH Cohen, A Přívara, & DE Utku (translator). 2018. ÇEVİRİ: Migration Letters Endeksi’ne Doğru: Göç Çalışmalarını En Çok Etkileyen Eserler ve Yazarlar (Towards a Migration Letters Index: The most influential works and authors in Migration Studies). Göç Dergisi (Migration Magazine), vol. 5(2): 1-26.
Pei, S & JH Cohen, 2018. 精准扶贫模式的人类学思考—基于对人畜混居治理困境的调查 Journal of Hubei University for Nationalities, vol. 36 (5):145-149.
With L Trask. 2018. Guilt, Innocence, Informant. Studies in Law, Politics and Society. Volume 74: 101-114. L Rodriguez & A Sarat, editors. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publish.
Sirkeci, I, JH Cohen & A Přívara. 2017. Towards a Migration Letters Index: the most influential works and authors in Migration Studies. Migration Letters, volume 14(3):397-424.
Zotova, N & JH Cohen. 2016. Remittances and their Social Meaning in Tajikistan. Remittance Reviews, volume 1 (1):7-18.
With B Rios. 2016. Internal migration in Oaxaca: its role and value to rural movers. International Journal of Sociology, volume 46 (3):223-235.
Ulmer, GL & JH Cohen. 2016. Ethnographic Inquiry in the ‘Digitized’ Fields of Madre de Dios, Peru and Oaxaca, Mexico: Methodological and Ethical Issues. Anthropological Quarterly, volume 89(2): 539-560.
Sirkeci, I & JH Cohen. 2016. Cultures of Migration and Conflict in Contemporary Human Mobility in Turkey, European Review, volume 24(3): 381-396.
Sirkeci, I & JH Cohen. 2015. Measuring impact and the most influential works in Migration Studies. Migration Letters, volume 12 (3): 336-345.
Cui, R & JH Cohen. 2015. Reform and the Hukou System in China. Migration Letters, volume 12 (3): 327-335.
With SM Klemetti. 2014. The Social and Economic Production of Greed, Cooperation, and Taste in an Ohio Food Auction. Economic Anthropology, 1(1): 80-87.
With N Merino Chavez. 2013. Latino Immigrants, Discrimination and Reception in Columbus, Ohio International Migration, 51(2):24–31.
With I Sirkeci. 2012. Six Myths about Migrant Remittances and the Global Economic Crisis. Siirtolaisuus-Migration Quarterly, 2012/3:21-27.
Sirkeci, I, JH Cohen & P Yazgan. 2012. Turkish culture of migration: Flows between Turkey and Germany, socio-economic development and conflict. Migration Letters, 9 (1):33-46. and translated as: Türk göç kültürü: Türkiye ile Almanya arasında göç hareketleri, sosyoekonomik kalkınma ve çatişma. Supplement to Migration Letters, volume 9 (4):373-386
With A Browning & F Montiel Ishino. 2011. La Caída de una Artesanía: Cestería en San Juan Guelavia, Oaxaca. Chungara, Revista de Antrología Chilena, 43 (2):257-266.
2011. Migration, Remittances and Household Strategies. Annual Review of Anthropology 40:103-114.
2010. Oaxacan Migration and Remittances as they relate to Mexican Migration. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36 (1):149-161.
With ND Mata Sánchez & F Montiel Ishino. 2009. Chapulines and Food Choices in Rural Oaxaca. Gastronomica, 9 (1):61-65.
With B Rios & L Byars. 2009. The Value, Costs, and Meaning of Transnational Migration in Rural Oaxaca Mexico. Migration Letters, 6 (1):15-25.
With L Rodriguez & M Fox. 2008. Gender and Migration in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico: Perspectives from Sending Villages. International Migration, 46 (1):79-102.
2007. Rural Responses to Political Unrest in Oaxaca City, Mexico: Preliminary Findings. Population Review, 46 (2):22-31.
With A Browning. 2007. The Decline of a Craft: Basket making in San Juan Guelavia, Oaxaca. Human Organization, 66 (3):229-239.
Jensen, L, JH Cohen, AJ Toribio, GF De Jong & L Rodríguez. 2006. Ethnic Identities, Language and Economic Outcomes among Dominicans in a New Destination. Social Science Quarterly 87 (5):1088-1099.
2006. Where do they go? “A day without a Mexican,” a Perspective from South of the Border. Migration Letters, 3 (1):77-86.
2005. Remittance Outcomes and Migration: Theoretical Contests, Real Opportunities. Studies in Comparative International Development, 40 (1):88-112.
Rodriguez, L & JH Cohen. 2005. Generations and Motivations: Russian and other Former Soviet Immigrants in Costa Rica. International Migration, 43 (4):147-165.
With L Rodriguez. 2005. Remittance Outcomes in Rural Oaxaca, Mexico: Challenges, Options and Opportunities for Migrant Households. Population, Space and Place, 11 (1):49-63.
De Leon, JP & JH Cohen. 2005. Object and Walking Probes in Ethnographic Interviewing. Field Methods, 17 (2):200-204.
With D Conway & R Jones. 2005. Why Remittances shouldn’t be blamed for Rural Under-development in Mexico: A Collective Response to Leigh Binford. Critique of Anthropology, 25 (1):87-96.
With AS Gijón-Cruz, RG Reyes-Morales & G Chick. 2003. Understanding Transnational Processes: Modeling Migration Outcomes in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico. Field Methods, 15 (4):366-385.
Conway, D & JH Cohen. 2003. Local Dynamics in Multi-local, Transnational Spaces of Rural Mexico: Oaxacan Experiences. International Journal of Population Geography, 9:141-161.
2002. Migration and “Stay at Homes” in Rural Oaxaca, Mexico: Local Expression of Global Outcomes. Urban Anthropology, 31 (2):231-259.
2001. Transnational Migration in Rural Oaxaca, Mexico: Dependency, Development and the Household. American Anthropologist, 103 (4):954-967
2001. The Shan-Dany Museum: Community, Economics and Cultural Traditions in a Rural Mexican Village. Human Organization, 60 (3):272-280.
2001. Textile, Tourism and Community Development. Annals of Tourism Research, 28 (2):378-398.
2000. Problems in the Field: Participant Observation and the Assumption of Neutrality. Field Methods, 12 (4):316-333.
1998. Craft Production and the Challenge of the Global Market: an Artisans’ Cooperative in Oaxaca, Mexico. Human Organization, 57 (1):74-82.
Conway, D & JH Cohen. 1998. Consequences of Migration and Remittances for Mexican Transnational Communities. Economic Geography, 74 (1):26-44.
Book chapters:
With I Sirkeci, 2021. Introduction. In Handbook of Culture and Migration. JH Cohen and I Sirkeci, editors. London: Edward Elgar Press.
Sirkeci, I & JH Cohen. 2020. Introduction. In COVID-19 and Migration: Understanding the Pandemic and Human Mobility. Sirkeci, I & JH Cohen, editors. London: Transnational Press London.
2020. Focus and Resolution: Challenges in Archaeology and Contemporary Migration Studies. In Detachment from Place. M Lamourenux-St. Hilaire, S Macrae & P McAnany, editors. Boulder: University of Colorado Press.
With P Shuster, 2019. To Eat Chapulines in Oaxaca, Mexico: One Food, Many Flavors. In Taste, Politics, and Identities in Mexican Food Cultures. SI Ayora Diaz, editor, pp. 115-130. New York: Bloomsbury Books.
2018. Culture and Migration. In Migración y Creación: Antropologías de Frontera. N. Sanz, editor. Pp. 368-375. Mexico: UNESCO.
Beiswenger, LM & JH Cohen, 2017. Provisioning, Shopping and Productive Leisure at North Market, Columbus, Ohio. In Anthropological Considerations of Production, Exchange, Vending and Tourism (Research in Economic Anthropology, Volume 37). D. Woods, editor. Pp. 137-154. West Yorkshire, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.
With I Sirkeci. 2016. Migration and Insecurity: Rethinking Mobility in the Neoliberal Age. In Anthropology after the Crisis, James Carrier, editor. Pp. 96-113. London: Routledge Publishing.
Sirkeci, I, JH Cohen, P Yazgan & N Zotova. 2016. Introduction. In Conflict, Insecurity and Mobility. I Sirkeci, JH Cohen & P Yazgan, editors. Pp. 1-6. London: Transnational Press.
Sirkeci, I, JH Cohen & N Can. 2012. Internal Mobility of the Foreign-born in Turkey. In Minority Internal Migration in Europe. N Finney and G Catney, editors. Pp. 175-194. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company.
2009. The Zapatistas, Subcomandante Marcos, and Chiapas, Mexico, Fifteen Years On. A Review Essay for Ethnohistory, 56 (3):515-520.
With B Everrett, A Polsky & F Montiel-Ishino. 2009. Gender, Work and Opportunity in Oaxaca: Some Thoughts on the Importance of Women in the Economic Life of the Rural Village. In Research in Economic Anthropology 29:147-164. D. Wood, editor. London: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
2005. Non-migrant Households in Oaxaca, Mexico: Why some People stay while others leave. In Migration and Economy: Global and Local Dynamics, L Trager, editor. Pp. 103-126. Walnut Creek, CA: Society of Economic Anthropology and AltaMira Press.
With I Sirkeci. 2005. A Comparative Study of Turkish and Mexican Transnational Migration Outcomes: Facilitating or Restricting Immigrant Integration?” In Crossing Over: Comparing Recent Migration in Europe and the United States. Pp. 147-162. H. Henke, editor. Lanham: Lexington Books.
2004. Community, Economy and Social Change in Oaxaca, Mexico: Rural Life and Cooperative Logic in the Global Economy. In Mexico in Transition: Neoliberal Globalism, the State and Civil Society. G Otero, editor. Pp. 154-168. London: Zed books.
With N Dannhaeuser. 2002. Introduction: Development in Practice and Theory: A Positive Role for Anthropology. In Economic Development: An Anthropological Approach. JH Cohen & N Dannhaeuser, editors. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.
2002. Indians, Markets and Transnational Studies in Mesoamerican Anthropology: Predicaments and Opportunities. In Theory in Economic Anthropology. J Ensminger, editor. Pp. 183-196. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.