
Joe Goodman


Joe’s research investigates choice overload, variety seeking, and consumers’ attraction to large product and feature assortments. He also investigates Internet research methodology (aka, Mturk), as well as the consumption and purchase of experiences and material goods and its effect on happiness. Joe received his PhD from The University of Texas at Austin, and enjoys travelling, pick-up ball, Europe ’72, Friendster, and consuming in the natural habitat.

Selin Malkoc


Selin’s research specialties include inter-temporal choice, the role of consumer mindsets and representations in decision making. Her research also examines how consumers can make better decisions, increase happiness, and simply be more spontaneous. She holds a B.A. from Bilkent University and a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina. She enjoys travelling, Jeffrey Campbells, Tarkan, and experimenting in both the lab and her Turkish kitchen.

Gabbie Tonietto


Gabriela (Gabbie) Tonietto holds a B.S.B.A. and expects to complete her Ph.D. in 2017, both from Washington University in St. Louis. Tonietto’s research interests include time perception and consumption, scheduling, and intertemporal preferences. Her research focuses on helping consumers to make better decisions about their time, and the research based on the first essay of her dissertation is forthcoming in the Journal of Marketing Research.


Affiliates, Co-Authors, & Alumni

Cynthia Cryder. Cindy was a long time faculty member of the lab and is Associate Professor at Washington University in St. Louis


Rebecca Reczek. Rebecca is a coauthor and lab affiliate, and Irwin Lab alum. She is currently Associate Professor at The Ohio State University.


Joshua Morris. Former RA and current PhD student at Stanford


Kelly Lee. Former Post-Doc and current faculty at Oklahoma State University.


Brittney D. Stephenson. Former RA and current PhD student at Wash U.



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