Sunscreen advice from a dermatologist to prevent skin cancer

KevinMD, “social media’s leading physician voice” has a great guest post by a dermatologist at the MD Anderson Cancer Center about how to use suncreen and other measure to protect yourself from skin cancer.  What better way to celebrate the last week of May!

We’ve talked about the risks of skin cancer before, and we know that for most of you out there in the world of college and grad/professional school, cancer is a remote topic that is only relevant to old people.  So let’s put it in terms that may be more relevant for you.  Sun damage to the skin not only puts you at risk for skin cancer down the road, but in the short term, it will set you up for wrinkles and other signs of premature aging of the skin.  So it’s not just about your health, it’s about looking good too.

If you have any problems with your skin – moles that you’re worried about, rashes, bumps, you name it – come in and see us.  If we can’t figure it out, we can set you up with a dermatologist who can.

John A. Vaughn, MD
Student Health Services
The Ohio State University