Essential Oils for Stress and Anxiety

Essential oils are commonly used for a variety of reasons, but is there really any benefit to aromatherapy? Studies have shown that certain smells can be associated with both negative and positive emotions and memories. For example, the smell of a dentist’s office can bring anxiety to some patients but may be overcome with use of essential oils to block the negative smell. Lavender, on the other hand, is a common essential oil used as a calming agent and its use has been studied in a number of patients experiencing different types of stress and anxiety with beneficial results.  These studies found that stress and anxiety and their associated effects were decreased with the use of lavender. Overall, people experienced better sleep, lower heart rate, and lower blood pressure when exposed to lavender aromatherapy.

It is recommended to use these oils via a diffuser rather than by mouth or inhalation. Some topical formulations are manufactured and are mostly safe when used as directed but stop use if any reaction occurs.  Overall, essential oils are associated with minimum side effects when used as directed and for short durations. They act quickly with no possibility of dependence, tolerance, or withdrawal.  If only diffused, these oils can be used in addition to prescribed medication with no interactions.  If you have any questions ask your primary care provider or pharmacist before using essential oils.


-Erin Coddington PharmD Candidate 2019


Malcolm BJ, Tallian K. Essential oil of lavender in anxiety disorders: Ready for prime time? The Mental Health Clinician. 2017;7(4):147-155. doi:10.9740/mhc.2017.07.147.


Medical Marijuana

Cannabis is also called marijuana. Its psychoactive properties are primarily due to one cannabinoid: delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and THC concentration is commonly used as a measure of cannabis potency.

The legal status of cannabis use, for medical as well as recreational purposes, varies internationally as well as across the United States. In Ohio, House Bill 523, effective on September 8, 2016, legalizes medical marijuana. However the program will not be fully operational until September 8, 2018. The Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program will allow people with certain medical conditions, to purchase and use medical marijuana. This is after the recommendation of an Ohio-licensed physician certified by the State Medical Board.

Patients will require an identification card. The only valid state ID cards will be issued by the State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy once the state’s patient registry becomes available no later than September 2018. Please note that no patient identification cards are being issued by the state of Ohio’s Medical Marijuana Control Program (MMCP) at this time.

Certified physicians may recommend medical marijuana only for the treatment of a qualifying medical condition. Under Ohio law, all of the following are qualifying medical conditions: AIDS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, Crohn’s disease, epilepsy or another seizure disorder, fibromyalgia, glaucoma, hepatitis C, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, pain that is either chronic and severe or intractable, Parkinson’s disease, positive status for HIV, post-traumatic stress disorder, sickle cell anemia, spinal cord disease or injury, Tourette’s syndrome, traumatic brain injury, and ulcerative colitis.

Patients taking cannabis for medical treatment should consider:

  • Prior experience with cannabis – Patients with no prior experience with cannabis are more likely to experience the psychoactive effects as dysphoric rather than pleasurable. Patients who are regular cannabis users are more likely to be tolerant to some of the adverse effects, eg, cognitive and psychomotor impairment.
  • Cannabinoid content – “Dosing” of cannabis is determined by the means of administration, frequency, and amount used as well as the cannabinoid content of the recommended strain (especially in terms of THC and THC:cannabidiol ratio).
  • Route of administration:
  • Smoked and inhaled cannabis have a rapid onset of effect which is typically minutes and relatively short duration of action which is typically two to four hours. These routes are preferred by some patients because they allow frequent and precise titration of dose to effect (eg, analgesia).
  • Oral cannabis has a slow onset of effect (typically half to one hour) and long duration of action (typically 4 to 12 hours). This may lead to inadvertent overdosing; when patients don’t experience effects as soon as they expect, they may take another dose, resulting in a cumulative overdose. This is especially likely by patients familiar with the rapid onset of smoked or inhaled cannabis

At this time The Ohio State University Wilce Student Health Center is not participating in Ohio’s Medical Marijuana Program however you can find updates at : Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program

Annmarie DiMeo

September is National Fruits and Veggies-More Matters Month

September is National Fruits and Veggies-More Matters Month. 90% of Americans do not eat the amount of fruits and vegetables recommended. There are many benefits to trying to include more in your diet including:

  • Increase variety and flavor to you diet
  • High in vitamins and minerals
  • High in fiber
  • May reduce diseases including heart diseases and some cancers
  • Easy to prepare

Try to consistently fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables at every meal. Also, try to include them with your snacks. All forms of fruits and vegetables count toward your daily intake including fresh, frozen, dried, and canned. Consider trying a new fruit or vegetable to your diet each week.

Dr. Matthew Peters, MD


What’s in your work out supplements?

It’s the start of 2018, which means the “new year, new me” resolutions are picking up some good momentum by now. Hitting the gym more often is definitely one of my resolutions, and if our resolutions are on the same page, then this post can be of some help to you!

Work out supplements… we see them advertised all over our social media pages, and if you are walking into your local GNC, or Vitamin Shoppe the selection can be intimidating. What I’ve learned so far is that there are supplements that you take as a pre-workout, and supplements that do just as they are named, supplement.

Pre-workout Supplements:

What’s the scoop? Boosting your performance is all part of the plan. Growing bigger muscles, having quicker gains, and hoping for an easy solution is something we all strive for. Most of us understand that easy isn’t necessarily so, and may not entirely be the correct way in doing something. Unlike medications, workout supplements are not as strictly regulated by The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which means dangerous ingredients may be incorporated without the knowledge of consumers. Some of the ingredients may actually have detrimental effects, and potentially cause death.

1, 3- dimethylamine, methylhexanamine or geranium extract—also known as DMAA is an ingredient that has been found illegally in some dietary supplements, where manufacturers mask the component as a “natural” stimulant. In 2013, a case report was published in the Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, highlighting an incident where a 21- year old male suffered from cardiac arrest after ingesting a workout supplement containing DMAA. Structurally, DMAA is similarly related to amphetamine, methamphetamine, and MDMA. DMAA does not produce any type of stimulant similar to the mentioned substances, but if you are set to take a urine drug test for a new job, or professional program at The Ohio State University… heads up, you may fail.

Good news, DMAA has been banned by the FDA after the unfortunate incident that occurred in 2013, however, there are still some supplements through online purchase that may have the ingredient incorporated within the product, and I would recommend reading the back of the nutrition label before purchasing any type of supplement. The discontinued substance that contained DMAA was specifically the pre-workout supplement marketed as Jack3d made by USPLabs.

Regular Supplements:

First off, let me drink some protein.” Protein supplements are frequently consumed by athletes, as well as those who work out recreationally. There is much debate on the theory of amount of protein per day a person should intake and the timing of supplementation, and if you have any questions towards these matters is a good source for you to do some more research about the topic.

Protein powders come in three common forms, those being—whey, soy and casein. A study by Kanda, A. et al in 2016, looked at the co-ingestion of all three substances and their effects on muscle protein synthesis after exercise in rats. The results of the study demonstrated a difference in peak time according to the type of protein ingestion, the authors concluded that whey protein was quicker to initiate the process compared to casein and soy.

Branched chained amino acids (BCAAs) especially leucine have been shown to increase muscle synthesis after exercise. Leucine is another component to keep an eye out for. Kanda, A et al. also noted that leucine displays a specific saturation point. The threshold described was around 43 mg of leucine, which means anything above this dose resulted in no further increase in the muscles anabolic response.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the types of supplements that are available commercially, the big take away from this blog is to get you use to looking at the nutrition label located on the back of the products up for purchase. Speaking to your healthcare providers about any of your concerns is a good thing to do, especially if some of the components of your supplements seem a bit off.


Justin Corpus

PharmD Candidate 2018


  1. Kanda, A. et al. Effects of whey, caseinate, or milk protein ingestion on muscle protein synthesis after exercise. Nutrients. 2016 Jun; 8(6): 339.
  2. Lioudmila, K et al. Cardiac arrest in a 21-year old man after ingestion of 1,3 dmaa—containing workout supplement. Clin J Sport Med. 2015 Jan; 25 (1): 23-25

My Journey into Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

I was browsing the internet when a statement caught my eye and it stated “Do you want to
relieve stress related symptoms, promote a sense of well being and peace of mind”? I was
intrigued and thought I would love to relieve stress and also learn ways to help my patients too.
I clicked on the link and was taken to a course description titled “Mindfulness-Based Stress
Reduction program (MSBR) that was being offered for 8 weeks over the summer.

I signed up for the program without really knowing what the course was going to be about.
The first night of class I was in a room with 15 other participants who were of different ages,
backgrounds and occupations with our instructor Kevin who was a licensed social worker. We
were given the book “ Full Catastrophe Living” by Jon Kabat-Zinn along with a workbook and a
CD. He had us imagine that we had a rock in our hand and walked up to a well and dropped it
in and then he went around the room and asked us what that symbolized to us. I remember
that I had said that it symbolized throwing away the stressful feelings and discomfort. He also
asked us not to set a goal or expectations for the course.

The program focused on attitudinal qualities that would relieve stress including: non-judging,
patience, beginner’s mind, trust, non-striving and acceptance. Non-judging is being an
impartial witness to our own experience and not having a reaction to the experience. Patience
is allowing letting things unfold in good time and make a connection to the present. Beginner’s
mind is not allowing our beliefs and thinking from seeing things as they really are. Trust is to
listen and trust our own being through meditation. Non-striving is about trying less and
through meditation we are non-doing. Acceptance is seeing things as they are in the present
and not trying to force things to the way we want them to be which causes more stress and
prevents positive change.

We had daily meditations on our CD that guided us through body scan which focused our mind
on each body part starting with the head and then ending at our toes or sitting or laying
meditations or meditative yoga. We had a log in our workbook to document our feelings and
reactions to different situations that may have given us distress or pleasure. We had a retreat
day after our sixth week in which we did not speak during that time. Our instructor gave us
directions during the day and guided us through different types of mediation. We ate our lunch
mindfully and took our time tasting and chewing our food more times than we would normally
and did not pick up the fork before we swallowed our bite. I was a little anxious as well as
some of the other participants of not talking or using our phones for a whole day and staying
focus on the present, but it actually was easier than I thought and at the end of the day I felt a
sense of peace.

This type of course is not for everyone, but it is evidenced based and taught internationally.
The course has taught me a way of being. It is not a philosophy, it is a be practiced by being
mindful and carrying out the meditation practices daily. It takes commitment and is to be
practiced daily in order for it to be available when needed.

At the end of the eight weeks, I am better at being more mindful and at mediation, but it is a
work in progress. After the eight week course I had learned that my initial response to the first
question of dropping the rock into the well throwing away stress thoughts and feelings was not
mindfulness, it is about learning to live with all the thoughts or feelings good and bad and
acknowledging them and not reacting to them. “ Life is not the way it’s supposed to be. It is
the way it is. And how we relate with this truth is what makes all the difference. “. Virginia Satir

Submitted by Edith Chang, M.D.

Veggie Vitals – Asparagus, A great weapon in your arsenal of healthy foods!

AsparagusThe asparagus spears – get it? Weapon – spears?  Anyway, these spears pack quite a punch when it comes to nutritional benefits and they have been doing so for over 4,000 years.  It was declared a food of the gods by Pharaoh Ikhnaton and his wife Nefertiti and was well liked by the Greeks, Persians, and Babylonians.

Asparagus does take a bit of time, however, to grow into maturity.  It is planted in the ground 3 years before it can be harvested for a full season.  But, once it does start growing, it does so with gusto.  A mature plant is harvested all season – approximately 90 days, and can sometimes grow 6 to 7 inches in one day.

Whenever I pick up some asparagus from the store, my husband always says, “I don’t like the green asparagus, I like white!”  Obviously he is not aware that green and white asparagus come from the same plant.  Sunlight is what causes the spears to turn green.  When the spears puncture through the ground, dirt is piled on top of them to shield them from sunlight.  They continue growing underground and when finally harvested the stalk is all white.  FYI – purple asparagus comes from a completely different plant and if cooked for a prolonged period of time will turn green.

Asparagus is considered by some to be an aphrodisiac.  Apparently there is an Arabian love manual from the 16th century that provided an asparagus recipe for the stimulation of erotic desires.  I did some Googling, but couldn’t find the recipe.  But I did find some scientific rational as to why it might have been considered as such.  Asparagus contains high levels of vitamin E and foliate which are necessary for histamine production and histamine is related to easy sexual orgasm, both in men and women.  Recommendations are that it be consumed over 3 consecutive days for the most powerful effects.

One cup of raw asparagus contains approximately 27 calories, 0 grams of fat, 5 grams of carbohydrate, 3 grams of sugar, 3 grams of fiber, and 3 grams of protein.  That same cup also provides 70% of your daily vitamin K needs, 20% of vitamin A, 17% of folate, 16% of iron, 13% of vitamin C, 13% of thiamin, and smaller amounts of vitamin E, niacin, vitamin B6, and potassium.

Here are some of the benefits indicated by the Juicing for health website.

Acidity, Blood:  The high alkalinity of this wonder juice is effective in reducing the acidity of the blood and helps cleanses the tissues and muscles of waste.

Arthritis and Rheumatism:   A unique phytochemical in asparagus that produces anti-inflammatory effect helps relieve arthritis and rheumatism.

Bowel movement:  Consume asparagus regularly for its mild laxative effect and dietary fiber that provides for regular bowel movement.

Cancer:   Asparagus is a prime source of anti-oxidant and glutathione that can help prevent the dreaded cancer.

Cataracts:  The anti-oxidant and glutathione in asparagus prevents the progression of cataracts and other eye problems.

Diabetes/Hypoglycemia:  The healthful minerals in asparagus juice make it an important diet for people who are controlling their blood sugar levels. However, it is not to be taken by people with advanced kidney diseases.

Diuretic:  Asparagus is a wonderfully diuretic vegetable and its efficacy is more pronounced when it is taken in juice form.

Heart disease:  Drink a small amount of asparagus juice mixed with raw honey three times a day daily to strengthen a weak or enlarged heart.

Kidney:  The diuretic and alkaline properties of asparagus help prevent or dissolve kidney stones. It helps break up oxalic acid crystals formed in the kidney.

PMS symptoms:  The diuretic effect of asparagus juice helps relieve premenstrual swelling and bloating. The magnesium in this wonder juice also help relieve irritability, fatigue, depression, etc.

Pregnant women:  The high content of folate, calcium and other minerals in asparagus are important in reducing the risk of birth defects and low birth weight. The diuretic effect of the juice is also a big help in reducing water retention in pregnant women.

June 11 is Asparagus Day!

Brain Supplements – Are they safe? Do they work?

This question was posed by a reader who had heard about natural brain supplements from the website Alpha Brain Review.  I checked out the website and I must admit that I found it to be very ironic as I encountered several grammatical errors on a site that was supposed to promote brain function.  Now, to be honest, nowhere does it claim that it will make you a better speller or eliminate grammatical errors, but still – if it’s helping with focus and clarity you would think that a quick read-through to double check for errors would be in order before posting to the web.

Ok – so grammatical prejudices aside, let’s take a look at brain supplements from a medical stand point.

When considering a supplement, the first thing to ask is why?  Are you having memory problems, trouble focusing, etc. or are you just trying to ace a test for which you are not prepared?  Supplements are not a substitute for adequate preparation and they are not a substitute for a proper nutrition.  Supplements treat deficiencies. There is no reason to think that taking additional nutrients beyond the minimum necessary will have functional benefits.

And, if you’ve been having memory problems or trouble focusing and this is not normal for you – then perhaps a trip to the doctor is in order.  It could be that there’s a medical reason behind these issues.

Next to consider are the claims of the supplement.  Whenever you encounter these types of supplements, the first thing you usually see is the word natural.  The ingredients are all things you would encounter in nature.  Natural, however, isn’t always safe.  Check out the ingredients.  WebMD allows you to search for supplements and see an unbiased review that includes uses, side effects, interactions, and dosing.  This review will also include the science, identifying if there is actually evidence to support the claims that are made.

With regard to Alpha Brain, there is very little science.  The ingredients I researched are all touted to be beneficial in treating Alzheimer’s disease, but there is insufficient evidence to support any of these claims.

There is research, however, that supports the following with regards to improving memory:

  • A healthy diet, in particular a Mediterranean diet which focuses on fruits, vegetables, and nuts with moderate amounts of dairy, fish, and poultry.
  • Challenging your brain to learn new things.
  • Exercise.

So, when it comes to supplements, brain or otherwise, do your homework.

Submitted by Tina Comston, M.Ed.

Reviewed by Mary Lynn Kiacz, M.D.




Do Vitamins Really Help?

A while ago I had a doctor’s appointment and during the course of the visit they asked me if I was taking a multivitamin. I was not. I left that appointment with the recommendation that I start taking a multivitamin every day.

Fast forward a couple of months and I’m at an appointment with a different doctor. They ask if I am taking any medications, vitamins, or supplements to which I reply, ‘Why yes, I am taking a multivitamin.” This doctor then tells me that studies show multivitamins are not beneficial and that after I use up the supply I have, I should just stop.

So, which is it? Do multivitamins help or not?

Looks like the answer is – depends. It depends upon your reasons for taking a multivitamin.

If you’re looking for a magic pill that will prevent the big diseases, cancer, heart disease, and stroke – then you’re out of luck. Findings from several long term studies show that vitamin takers are no healthier than those who do not take vitamins when it comes to the big diseases.

If you’re looking to transform your crappy diet into a healthy one, again out of luck. It is always better to get your nutrients from food – power on the plate – than from a pill. If, however, you’re looking to plug in some nutritional gaps in your diet, then a vitamin may be the way to go.

When choosing a multivitamin:

  • Read the label carefully. Note which nutrients are included and their amounts.
  • Get the basic vitamins and minerals.
  • Check the percentages. Choose one that provides 100% of the Daily Value(DV) for most of the vitamins and minerals included.
  • Choose one designed for your age and gender.
  • Don’t overdo it.
  • AND – it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor before taking any vitamin or supplement.

Submitted by Tina Comston, M.Ed.

Yoga As You Are

Health benefits of yoga.

As I was reading through the RPAC news this week, I came across the following blurb. 

Yoga As You Are 2014
Whether you’re in work clothes, school clothes or workout gear, come to Yoga As You Are, held  Wednesdays, from 12:45 – 1:15 p.m. in Dance Room 1 at the Ohio Union. Classes go through Wednesday, April 23. Sticky mats are provided, but feel free to bring your own.

Now, to be honest, I have not done much yoga.  It sounds very zen and all and I expect that it is very good for me, but just not something that I’ve gotten into. Probably that’s because I’ve always harbored fears that I’ll either  1. fall asleep while meditating or 2. Get stuck in one of those pretzel -type poses they do.

But, being one to keep an open mind, when I saw the blurb above, I did a bit of research to try and find out what sorts of health benefits yoga offers.  Here is what I found:

  • Increase Flexibility: One study showed that after just 8 weeks of yoga participants improved their flexibility by up to 35%.
  • Boost Immunity: A Norwegian study found that yoga boosts immunity at the cellular level. They found that these changes occur while still on the mat – much more so than a control group that went on a nature hike while listening to soothing music.
  • Ease Migraines: Research shows that after just 3 months of yoga practice, migraine suffers can expect fewer and less painful migraines.
  • Better Sleep: A Harvard Study found that 8 weeks of daily yoga significantly improved sleep quality for people with insomnia.
  • Fight Food Cravings: Researchers from the University of Washington found that regular yoga practice strengthens the mind-body connection which in turn helps you to tune in to the emotions associated with certain cravings.

Some pretty impressive benefits.  Perhaps I’ll head over the Union this week and give that yoga class a try.

Submitted by Tina Comston, M.Ed.

Information above found at the following sites:

Everything you need to know about fish oil supplements

Ever since researchers discovered that Greenland Eskimos had really low rates of heart disease because of all of the fish they ate, fish oil has been a hot topic.  And once supplement manufacturers realized they could bottle and sell it, fish oil really took off. 

So let’s dish about fish – here’s everything you need to know about fish oil supplements.      

What conditions does fish oil really help?

It’s been proven that the Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil – eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and alpha-linolenic acid – prevent heart disease, improve cholesterol by reducing triglyceride levels, and prevent heart attacks, stroke, and death in people who already have heart disease. 

While Dr. Google will tell you that fish oil will cure rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure, depression, bipolar disorder, menstrual pain, and certain kidney problems, there isn’t a lot of good evidence to back that up at this point.

Is taking a fish oil supplement the same as eating fish?

Obviously, the best way to consume fish oil is to eat oily fish.  The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends at least two servings per week for cardiovascular health.  A serving is 3 ounces (the size of a deck of cards, or ¾ of a cup).  So if you can afford, prepare and stomach salmon a couple times per week, you can skip the fish oil capsules.

How much fish oil supplement should you take?

A good target intake is between 250 and 500 mg per day of EPA + DHA.  You could get that in a daily 1 gram fish oil supplement, which contains between 200 and 800 mg of EPA + DHA, depending on the formulation and manufacturer.   

Do fish oil capsules have side effects?

The most common side effects are nausea, heartburn, a fishy aftertaste, and burping.  Taking them with food or refrigerating them helps a lot, but some brands can’t be refrigerated so be sure to check with your pharmacist.  In general, fish oil capsules have an “expiration date” of about 90 days after opening a new bottle.  Capsules with a very strong or spoiled smell should be thrown away.

Can you get mercury poisoning from taking fish oil supplements?

There’s been a lot of concern lately about mercury contamination in the world’s fish supply.  In general, this is more of a concern for pregnant women and young children, but it’s always a good idea to pay attention to what you’re eating.  Fish known to be low in mercury include shrimp, canned light tuna (not albacore), salmon, pollock, and catfish. 

Fish oil capsules are generally low in mercury and other pollutants.  But to be safe, only buy products with the “USP Verified Mark” on the label; these have been tested and found to contain acceptable levels of mercury.    

Jason Goodman, PharmD, RPh
Student Health Services
The Ohio State University