Here is what you need to know about the first day:
- If you didn’t register (but still want to attend), or for some reason did not receive the zoom link after registering, please contact Clayton Marr (
- The same link should be used for the duration of the conference.
- For your convenience, in the following link you can find the latest version of the conference schedule:
Here is what to expect in terms of talks (all times are UTC-4):
- We will kick off the day at 11:50 with a welcome to the conference
- The first session will go between 12:00 and 13:40 featuring:
- Maxim Makartsev & Max Wahlström, “Ambitransitivity in Balkan Romance and South Slavic: An Areal Overview”
- Tomislav Sočanac & Iliyana Krapova, “Factivity and Veridicality in South Slavic Languages”
- Stanislava-Stasha Tofoska & Bojan Petrevski, “Are Positive Personal Qualities Always Positive? The Semantic and Pragmatic Potential of Some Adjectives Expressing Personal Qualities in Macedonian”
- James Pennington, “Epistemic Immediacy Expressed Through the Genitive in Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian: The Missing Link to a Common Slavic Category?”
- The keynote will be given by prof. Victor Friedman between 14:00 and 15:15 who will talk about “Balkan Obscenity and the Balkan Sprachbund”
- The second session will go between 15:25 and 17:05 featuring:
- Rexhina Ndoci, “Albanians and the Features of their L2 Greek in Internet Memes”
- Sarah Craycraft, “Radical Imaginaries: Intergenerational Residencies as Rural Intervention”
- Valentina Iepuri, “‘It Is the Time of Good People’: 2020 Presidential Campaign Discourse in the Republic of Moldova”
- Bojan Belić, “When Sex-Indexing Hits Present-Day Serbian”
- To close the day prof. Brian Joseph will give a virtual tour of Columbus to make up for COVID not allowing us to hold the conference in-person to see Columbus for yourselves.
We look forward to an exciting conference!
Rexhina Ndoci, on behalf of the BSSC22 Organizing Committee