David Feiner and Albany Park Theater Project
“Performing Migration, Mobility, and Immobility”
Thursday, February 28, 2019 4:00-5:30pm
Alonso Family Room, Multicultural Center
Free – no ticket needed
For 22 years the Albany Park Theater Project’s teen ensemble and adult theatre have designed world-class original theatre inspired by ethnography and real-life stories from immigrant and first-generation communities in Chicago. On stage and in community performance workshops, the Albany Park Theater Project challenges inequality and racism by asking people to bear witness to stories that might otherwise get overlooked or misrepresented.
APTP performances humanize complex issues like immigration, foreclosure, poverty, abuse, hunger. Audience members emerge from their journeys at APTP with greater respect for the struggles and dreams of others – and with a desire to learn, have genuine dialogue, and take action. In the process of creating original plays, APTP has joined grassroots organizations throughout Chicago fighting against detentions and deportations, new prisons, foreclosures – and in support of humane immigration policy, investment in neighborhood schools, affordable housing, and more.
David Feiner has co-directed, devised, and produced all of Albany Park Theater Project’s nineteen world premieres. With APTP, David’s honors include the Goodman’s August Wilson Award, the Coming Up Taller Award from the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities, the Midwest Human Rights Award from National Immigrant Justice Center. In 2016, APTP was named a recipient of the prestigious MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions.
Co-organized by the Migration, Mobility and Immobility Project, Be The Street, and the Performance Studies Working Group.