By Amanda Folck
On April 21, the Turf Club was represented at the Ag Olympics competition. It was an event that had 12 other college fraternities, sororities, and organizations from CFAES competing for the top prize. Events included best uniforms, tug of war, backyard jenga, water balloon toss, etc. For their first appearance at the Ag Olympics in 28 years, the Turf Club came in 3rd place!
The Turf Club also sponsored the golf outing held at Homestead Springs Golf Course on April 23rd. During the event, over 28 sponsors and 24 teams participated at the outing. The total money raised at the outing was $4,500! The money raised will go toward the OSU Turf Club for expenses such as taking students to represent Ohio State in Turf Bowl competitions at GIS and STMA conferences in 2018. Thank you for those that came out for the golf outing.
Outgoing Vice President of the Turf Club Amanda Folck was the recipient of the CFAES Internship Award from the Horticulture and Crop Science department. The award was presented during the CFAES Awards Night on April 6. She received the award from her internship at Arsenal Football Club in London Colney, England. Amanda also received the STMA Gary Vanden Berg Internship Grant for the same internship at the annual conference in January. She will be working as an assistant groundskeeper at Texas A&M in College Station, Texas after graduating in May.
Outgoing President of the Turf Club Mike Sanders was the recipient of the first Turfgrass Science Student of the Year Award. This award is given out to one student in specializations of sportsturf or golf course management. This student has to accomplish both in the classroom and outside by helping out at the Turf Club and other organizations at Ohio State plus being a leader for other members in the Turf Major. Sanders had accomplished all the qualifications for the award and will be working as an Assistant Superintendent at Louisville Country Club in Louisville, Kentucky after graduating in May.
The new officers for 2017-2018 year in the OSU Turf Club:
Amy Wilber- President & CFAES Student Council Representative
Eric McCrate- Vice President
Steven Marchionda- Secretary
Nick Haynes- Treasurer
In the Turfgrass Science major, we have many seniors who will be leaving us at Ohio State to work in the Turfgrass industry. Here is the list of the graduating seniors who will be graduating in 2017:
Jack Bengel
James Buzard
Amanda Folck
Steven Marchionda
Nate McKinniss
Mike Sanders
Johnathon Schroeder
Nick Spridgeon
Tanner Turner
John Zagar
There will be a picnic for the graduating seniors this year at the OTF Turf Farm on Thursday April 27 at 4:30pm.