Communicating with People about Chemical Applications

Figure 1. What happens to pesticides following their application, and the potential for exposure to users, has been studied extensively. Registered pesticides, when used according to label, are deemed safe for the end user. However, this remains a complicated subject and there is not one clear answer for all questions.

Proper control of weeds, insects and diseases is an important and necessary component of any turfgrass management system. On athletic fields this is not only for the purpose of aesthetics but also from the standpoint of insuring that the turfgrass system provides proper traction and footing which hopefully reduces the possibility of injury to the users of the field. Depending on which pest you consider, pesticides are either a tool that can be used to make the management of turfgrass pests easier (for example, dandelions and other tap-rooted weeds), or perhaps they are the only plausible way of dealing with a particular pest (for example, grey leaf spot or another pathogen).

Continue reading Communicating with People about Chemical Applications

The Benefits of Turf

Turfgrasses play a very important role in the urban and suburban environment: soil erosion control, carbon sequestration, cooling the environment, and providing safe places for 80 million Americans to exercise and play are just a few examples. The following resources were put together for those who’d like to know more about the functional and environmental benefits of turfgrass. Continue reading The Benefits of Turf

Turfgrass Science Summer Camp

July 9th – July 13th, 2018
Turfgrass Science Summer Camp

Director: Pamela Sherratt
Co-Directors: Dr. Karl Danneberger, Dr. David Gardner, Todd Hicks, Dr. Ed McCoy, Dr. Ed Nangle, Dr. Zane Raudenbush, Joe Rimelspach, Dr. Dave Shetlar, Dr. John Street, and Matt Williams

  • Have you ever wanted to go behind the scenes at the Ohio Stadium? 
  • Have you ever wondered how they get logos on sports fields? 
  • Have you ever thought about how golf courses stay so green? 

The Ohio State University is excited to announce the inaugural Turfgrass Science Summer Camp! An interdisciplinary collaboration of faculty and staff has launched the camp, developing its activities in partnership with The Ohio State University’s sports facilities and grounds staff, and other local golf and sports facilities. Continue reading Turfgrass Science Summer Camp