Amanda Folck receives CFAES Outstanding Student Employee

IMG_7015aOn April 7th, the College of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) hosted the 2016 Recognition Banquet. This banquet recognize students, faculty, staff and supporters in the college for their many accomplishments.

Amanda Folck (pictured left, with Dr. Karl Danneberger & Pam Sherratt) received the Outstanding Student Employee award from CFAES.

Amanda was nominated by Pam Sherratt, who spoke very highly of her accomplishments, ending with a statement that students like Amanda made you realize how truly amazing some of our young people are.

This award recognizes a student employee that goes above and beyond working in the college. Amanda has worked very hard during her time as a Turfgrass Student Assistant, from establishing the website for Athletic Field Management, to updating the material for the online courses, helping the students in the Baseball Field Management and Athletic Field Management online courses, assisting at the Ohio Turfgrass Foundation (OTF) Field Day, OTF Conference, and Ohio State Spring Short Course. Congrats Amanda!


Amanda Folck (middle) with parents Bob and Cindy Folck

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