From December 7 – 10th 2015, the Ohio Turfgrass Foundation (OTF) and The Ohio State University will be sponsoring the 2015 OTF Conference & Show and OSU Green Industry Short Course. The show will be taking place this year at the Columbus Convention Center in downtown Columbus, Ohio. During the conference and show, many topics will be cover in the turfgrass industry and other industries that include:
- Golf Turf Management
- Sports Field Management
- Lawn Care
- Turf & Landscape Pest Management
- Chemical Application Technology
- Equipment Technician Training (Golf)
- Ornamental Plant Health Management
- Plant Selection & Care
- Trees in the Landscape
The tradeshow for the conference will be taking place on December 7 and 8. The Awards, Scholarships and Keynote ceremony will be on December 7. The keynote speaker for this year is Tom Ryan, the head coach of The Ohio State University Wrestling Team. Registration is still open for early registration by November 25th. Registration will still be open through the conference. For more detail information on the schedule of the conference, click here.