2015 Turfgrass Research Field Day

In about a month from now, the 2015 Turfgrass Research Field Day will be taken place at the OTF Research & Education Facility on August 11, 2015. The field day is a way of showing the research and projects that are happening at the OTF facility, provided by the faculty and students at The Ohio State University to the professionals in the turfgrass industry.

Examples of sessions that are presented by students at The Ohio State University:

  • Herbicide Efficacy During Spring & Summer Seeding, Amanda Folck & Dr. David Gardner (collaboration with Pam Sherratt)
  • Poa Cure Updates, Eva Fang
  • Plant Responses to Acidovorax, Arly Drake
  • Putting Green Management, Dr. Karl Danneberger and Gail Gu

Registration for the 2015 Turfgrass Research Field Day is still availiable online until August 5.
