“Fall Treasures in your Woodland:  Fungi, Lichens and More” offered by A DAY in the WOODS – 2nd Friday Series partners at the Vinton Furnace State Forest on October 12

Chicken of the Woods-Todd Hutchinson-USFS-NRS

October is a great time to be in the woods.  Fall foliage is often at its peak, and there is much more to see.  On the forest floor, mushrooms are often abundant and wildflowers including asters, goldenrods, and legumes are often still putting on a show.  Numerous lichens, which are a symbiotic association between fungi and algae, are visible on tree trunks, branches, and rock outcroppings.   Even dead and decaying logs can support many varieties of fungi, which play an important role in soil formation and nutrient cycling.  Fall Treasures in your Woodland:  Fungi, Lichens and More will help woodland owners and enthusiasts learn to identify and understand the contributions of these underappreciated organisms to the biodiversity of our forested ecosystems.

  • Explore the forest in search of fungi, lichens, and other organisms that are present in the fall, such as late-blooming woodland wildflowers.
  • Learn lichen identification and ecology from Ray Showman, author of The Macrolichens of Ohio.
  • Join Homer Elliott, Hocking College, on a foray to see and identify fungi that inhabit the forest floor environment.
  • Enjoy the fall woods, including the fall foliage and fall wildflowers.

The program starts at 9:00 AM and ends at 3:30 PM.   A registration fee of $12 will cover the cost of lunch and program materials.  Please RSVP by calling OSU Extension Vinton County at 740-596-5212, or email Dave Apsley at apsley.1@osu.edu by October 8.

“A DAY in the WOOD” and the “2nd Friday Series” are sponsored by the Education and Demonstration Subcommittee of the Vinton Furnace State Forest.  The principal partners in this effort include Ohio State University Extension, ODNR-Divisions of Forestry and Wildlife, U.S. Forest Service, Vinton County Soil and Water Conservation District, National Wild Turkey Federation, Glatfelter, Ohio Tree Farm Committee, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Hocking College, Central State University Extension, The Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative, the Ruffed Grouse Society, and Ohio’s SFI Implementation Committee.

Since 2012, “A DAY in the WOODS” has nearly 60 programs with approximately 2,250 participants attending. More than 100 natural resources professionals have presented these programs to woodland owners and enthusiast just like you.  Be sure to mark your calendar so you are sure not to miss any of these great opportunities to spend A DAY in the WOODS:

A DAY in THE WOODS 2018 Brochure – Low Res-wyeaef

Directions – Experimental Forest

Sky Dance -American Woodcock Program Offered March 23rd

Photo Credit: Ricky Layson, Ricky Layson Photography, Bugwood.org

Join us on March 23 near Coalton, OH (Jackson County) to experience the timberdoodle (a.k.a. American woodcock).  This odd and amazing bird appears each spring to perform it’s mating ritual the Sky Dance.   Aldo Leopold dubbed it the  Sky Dance in his Sand County Almanac essay.

Learn about the life-history of this amazing bird from wildlife biologists from the Ruffed Grouse Society, the National Wild Turkey Federation and the ODNR-Division of Wildlife.   Take a leisurely walk and visit the habitats that the timberdoodle frequents.    Enjoy and the Sky Dance as the sun sets and the timberdoodle takes the stage (assuming  the weather and the birds cooperate).

When:  March 23, 2017- 6:30 PM to approximately 9 PM

Where: 19704 State Route 93, Wellston, OH 45692

(approximately 1.25 north of the intersection of US 35 and SR 93)

Link to Location Map

Pre-registration* by email or phone is required by March 20.

To register: email apsley.1@osu.edu or call 740-596-5212 by March 19th.

*Due to parking limitations and to enhance the experience space is limited to the first 20 registrants.


A Day in the Woods Tentative Program Schedule for 2018

We’ve still got lots of details to work out, but here is the tentative schedule for A DAY in the WOODS, 2nd Friday Series for 2018.

March 23th – Bonus-Sky Dance– Program on the American Woodcock. Starting at 6:30 PM. Space is limited, No Registration fee; Jackson County Ohio near Coalton. Learn about the biology and ecology of the American woodcock (a.k.a. timberdoodle). If weather cooperates observe one of nature’s oddest spectacles, the mating ritual of the male timberdoodle

May 11th – Non-timber Forest Products & Wildflowers (Edibles). 9 am to 3:30 pm; Vinton Furnace State Forest. Registration fee $12. Learn about spring wildflowers and some of the edible and medicinal plants and fungi that are found in the spring woods.

June 8th – Breeding Birds. 8 am start time to enhance bird view opportunities. Vinton Furnace State Forest. Registration fee $12. Start the day exploring the Vinton Furnace for song birds. Learn to ID by song. Learn about breeding bird ecology and the important role that breeding birds play.

July 13th – Tree & Shrub Identification. 9 am to 3:30 pm. Location to be determined. Registration fee $12. Learn the basics of Tree and shrub identification with a focus on leaves and summer characteristics.

August 10th – Introduction to Woodland Stewardship Opportunities. 9 am to 3:30 pm. Vinton Furnace State Forest. Registration fee $12. This program will focus on techniques and resources available to enhance your woodland resources.

September 14th – Timber Harvesting. 9 am to 3:30 pm. Zaleski State Forest– Zaleski CCC Camp. Registration fee $12. Visit an active or recently closed timber sale. Learn how to make sure that your timber harvest is compatible with the goals that you have for your woodland.

October 12th – Fall Treasures in Your Woodland. Fungi, Lichens and more… 9 am to 3:30 pm. Vinton Furnace State Forest. Registration fee $12. Explore the forest in search of fungi, lichens and other organisms that are present in the fall. Learn about the ecology and function of these often overlooked organisms.

November 9th – Understanding Woodland Wildlife Habitat and the Critters that Rely on it. 9 am to 3:30 pm. Vinton Furnace State Forest. Registration fee $12. Learn about the various woodland wildlife habitats that can be found in Appalachian Ohio. Discover techniques that you can use to monitor the habitat in your woods.

A SATURDAY in the WOODS – Family Event. Date to be Determined. Noon to 9:30 pm. Vinton Furnace State Forest. Registration fee to be determined. We have not worked out the details yet, but we are planning to offer a Saturday event kids from 1 to 100. This event will provide multiple opportunities to explore the forest and its inhabitants. We hope to end the day with a night program focusing on night skies and nocturnal animals.


Thanks again to all of our partners who are integral in making A DAY in the WOODS possible.

A DAY in the WOODS offers two programs, “Identifying Trees in Winter” and “Night Skies”, for woodland owners and enthusiasts on November 17th at the Vinton Furnace State Forest

A DAY in the WOODS will wrap up the 2017 season with two opportunities on Friday, November 17th:

IDENTIFYING TREES IN WINTER                                                                                                                      

Fall is in the air, and many of the trees in Southeastern Ohio have already shed their leaves. This makes tree identification more difficult, but there are still many clues that you can use to identify trees in their leafless state. “Identifying Trees in Winter” will provide you with the knowledge to differentiate among the variety of trees on your property in the coming winter months. This program will take place from 9 am to 3:30 pm and will include lunch. Participants in this program will:

  • Develop an eye for bark and tree shape to aid in winter tree identification
  • Learn to use bud and twig characteristics to identify trees
  • Become familiar with tree fruits like acorns and other clues that can be found on the ground
  • Spend the afternoon in the woods exploring the wide variety of trees that can be found at the Vinton Furnace State Forest


 The forest at night can be quite a different world, and the Vinton provides a great viewing opportunity for the stars. The program begins with an evening meal at 5:30 PM. The program will conclude at 9:30 PM. Program attendees will have the opportunity to:

  • View the magnificent night sky with minimal light pollution (weather permitting)
  • Learn about stars, planets, and constellations with members of the Columbus Astronomical Society
  • Experience the fall forest at night

There will be a registration fee of $10 for each program. To register for “Identifying Trees in Winter”, “Night Skies” or both, please RSVP by calling OSU Extension Vinton County at 740-596-5212, or email Dave Apsley at apsley.1@osu.edu by November 13th. If you are attending both programs you are welcome to hang around and explore the forest while you wait for the evening program. If you are attending the “Night Skies” program and you have a headlamp with red light, please bring it along.

A DAY in the WOODS” and the “2nd Friday Series” programs run from May through November and are sponsored by the Education and Demonstration Subcommittee of the Vinton Furnace State Forest with support from Ohio State University Extension, ODNR-Divisions of Forestry and Wildlife, U.S. Forest Service, Vinton County Soil and Water Conservation District, National Wild Turkey Federation, Glatfelter, Ohio Tree Farm Committee, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Hocking College, Ohio Bird Conservation initiative and Ohio’s SFI Implementation Committee.

2017 Brochure:  DAY in the WOODS -2-27 Final dka-20vq9o6

Map and Directions:   Directions – Experimental Forest




More opportunities for woodland owners to to learn about songbird and game bird management..

OSU Extension is partnering with the Appalachian Mountain Joint Venture, the Wayne National Forest, ODNR Divisions of Wildlife and Forestry, and the National Wild Turkey Federation to bring you three opportunities to learn about bird management.  An evening introductory program will be offered in Ironton and Athens on April 25 and 26,  respectively.  This will be followed by a longer session that will include field visits on June 24.  More details about the June program will be posted here soon.

Click here for a brochure for the April programs:  AMJV_USFS OH Management Workshop Flyer_EveningWorkshops (2) [Read-Only]-vca7z1

Streams and Streamside Forests program offered to woodland owners and enthusiasts in SE Ohio at the Zaleski State Forest on Friday, August 26th

IMG_2942 Streamside forests and wooded watersheds play a key role in providing clean water and quality habitat for both aquatic and terrestrial wildlife. Trees, especially those along streamsides, absorb nutrients and trap soil particles minimizing their impact on fish and the organisms that they feed on. Forested watersheds and wetlands can also help to reduce the severity of flooding and provide for a more consistent flow of clean water for human consumption.  Program attendees will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn about watersheds and how humans can impact them
  • Understand the role of streamside forests in keeping streams healthy and productive
  • Watch an electrofishing demonstration and learn about other sampling techniques used to study streams
  • Explore common macroinvertebrates and their use as indicators of water quality

You will have the opportunity to get in a creek and help with seining for aquatic insects. So if you want to jump in, be sure to bring an old pair of tennis shoes or waders and an extra set of dry clothes.

Featured presenters include Jerry Iles, OSU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator from Fairfield County; Amy Mackey, Raccoon Creek Watershed Coordinator from Ohio University’s Voinovich School; and Sarah Landers, Raccoon Creek Water Quality Specialist from Ohio University’s Voinovich School.

“A Day in the Woods” and the “2nd Friday Series” programs run from May through November and are sponsored by the Education and Demonstration Subcommittee of the Vinton Furnace State Forest with support from Ohio State University Extension, ODNR-Divisions of Forestry and Wildlife, U.S. Forest Service, Vinton County Soil and Water Conservation District, National Wild Turkey Federation, Glatfelter, Ohio Tree Farm Committee, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Hocking College, and Ohio’s SFI Implementation Committee.

This program will take place from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm at the Hope School House Interpretive Center in Zaleski State Forest located at approximately 28000 Wheelabout Road, McArthur.  A registration fee of $10 will cover the cost of lunch and program materials. Please RSVP by calling OSU Extension Vinton County at 740-596-5212, or email Dave Apsley at apsley.1@osu.edu by August 22.

2016 DAY in the WOODS Brochure-Final

Map of Hope School Interpretive Center

From State Route 278 (Across from the Lake Hope Dam) turn east on Wheelabout Road. After 0.2 miles turn right to stay on Wheelabout Road. After crossing the bridge over Raccoon Creek the location will be on your left.

Day in The Woods Partners

Preparing Your Woods for an Uncertain Future program offered to woodland owners and enthusiasts in SE Ohio at the Vinton Furnace State Forest on Friday, August 12th


 No one can predict the future with absolute certainty, but there are several trends that are difficult to deny. Extreme weather events are more common, temperatures appear to be warming, precipitation is becoming more variable, and populations of invasive species like emerald ash borer and tree-of-heaven continue to rise. All of these factors can impact your woods. National and global timber markets are also influencing the value of your timber resources.

Preparing Your Woods for an Uncertain Future is designed to help landowners better understand the potential impacts that these trends may have on their woodlands.  Most importantly, the program will introduce you to some proactive strategies to minimize these risks, and improve the health and resiliency of your woodland for future generations.

Featured presenters include Patricia Butler, Climate Change Outreach Specialist, Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science; Tom Macy, Forest Health Administrator, ODNR-Division of Forestry; Matt Bumgardner, Forest Products Technologist, USFS Northern Research Station; Louis Iverson, Research Landscape Ecologist, USFS Northern Research Station; and Dave Apsley, Natural Resources Specialist, OSU Extension. Speakers will address the following topics:

  • Past trends and predicted changes in climate and extreme weather events
  • Understanding the adaptability and vulnerability of our oak dominated woodlands to these trends
  • Invasive plants, insects and diseases that pose current and future threats to our woodlands
  • Global timber markets and how they may impact the value of your trees
  • Learn how to minimize risks to your woods by increasing the diversity of native species, enhancing individual tree health and minimizing the pressures of invasive species.

“A Day in the Woods” and the “2nd Friday Series” programs run from May through November and are sponsored by the Education and Demonstration Subcommittee of the Vinton Furnace State Forest with support from Ohio State University Extension, ODNR-Divisions of Forestry and Wildlife, U.S. Forest Service, Vinton County Soil and Water Conservation District, National Wild Turkey Federation, Glatfelter, Ohio Tree Farm Committee, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Hocking College, and Ohio’s SFI Implementation Committee.

This program will take place from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm at the Vinton Furnace State Forest near McArthur.  A registration fee of $10 will cover the cost of lunch and program materials.  Please RSVP by calling OSU Extension Vinton County at 740-596-5212, or email Dave Apsley at apsley.1@osu.edu by August 8.


For a brochure with more information about this and upcoming programs click here: 2016 DAY in the WOODS Brochure-Final

For a map and directions to the Vinton Furnace State Forest:   Directions – Experimental Forest

Day in The Woods Partners


“Building and Maintaining Woodland Roads and Trails” program offered to woodland owners and enthusiasts in SE Ohio at the Hocking State Forest on Friday, June 10th.


Multi-purpose woodland road/trail on Ohio State Forest

Are you thinking about building a new road or trail to better access your woods for hunting, hiking or gathering firewood? Do you have wet areas or ruts on your existing trails? “Building and Maintaining Woodland Roads and Trails” may be just what you need. This program is designed to help you:

  • Design and layout new woodland roads and trails
  • Become familiar with techniques for trail construction
  • Understand how to repair and maintain existing roads and trails
  • Appreciate Best Management Practices (BMP’s) and the importance of managing water on roads and trails

“A Day in the Woods” and the “2nd Friday Series” programs run from May through November and are sponsored by the Education and Demonstration Subcommittee of the Vinton Furnace State Forest with support from Ohio State University Extension, ODNR-Divisions of Forestry and Wildlife, U.S. Forest Service, Vinton County Soil and Water Conservation District, National Wild Turkey Federation, Glatfelter, Ohio Tree Farm Committee, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Hocking College, and Ohio’s SFI Implementation Committee.

For brochures and more information about our 2016 slate of programs for woodland owners and enthusiasts, visit http://go.osu.edu/seohiowoods. This program will take place from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm at the Hocking State Forest Headquarters (Office) at 19275 SR 374, Rockbridge, OH. A registration fee of $10 will cover the cost of lunch and program materials.  Please RSVP by calling OSU Extension Vinton County at 740-596-5212, or email Dave Apsley at apsley.1@osu.edu by June 6.

Link to detailed map of Hocking State Forest:



Map Hocking SF.

The Hocking State Forest Office is located about 0.4 miles just north of the intersection of OH 374 and Big Pine Road.

“A DAY in the WOODS – 2nd Friday Series” brochure now available

Our brochure for the 2016 A DAY in the WOODS- 2nd Friday Series brochure is now available electronically.  Thanks to all of you who helped to pull this program together for 2016.

Link to PDF version of the brochure: 2016 DAY in the WOODS Brochure-Final

Our friends at Glatfelter have once again offered to print this brochure for distribution.  Printed copies will soon be available at a location near you. We are looking forward to seeing you in 2016.

Brochure Cover 2016

Day in The Woods Partners