Like a garden, your woodland will provide more benefits if you invest some of your time and energy. “Improving Your Woods”, an interactive outdoor learning opportunity for woodland owners in SE Ohio, will help you to understand the various practices that you can use to improve your woodlands. This program is offered on September 8th at the Vinton Furnace State Experimental Forest near McArthur and will include the opportunity to tour numerous field sites demonstrating various woodland improvement practices.
- Learn a variety of woodland management techniques that you can use to improve your woodland
- Understand the alphabet soup of practices available to you including crop tree management (CTM), timber stand improvement (TSI), invasive species management, and understory removal
- Practice selecting crop trees to meet your goals and determine which trees to remove to enhance their growth
This program will take place at the Vinton Furnace State Forest near McArthur on Friday September 8th from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM. A registration fee of $15 will cover the cost of lunch and program materials.
Please use one of the following methods to register by September 4th:
- Register and pay online at
- Call Vinton SWCD 740-596-5676
- Email Jessica Burns at
Directions – Experimental Forest