Five Leadership Hacks

You know that with better leadership skills, your team could start performing at a whole new level.  Here are five ways to boost your team’s leadership skills today.

  1. Develop your leadership.

As a leader your job is to develop those around you.  Mary mentored and fostered new leaders in our organization on a regular basis.  Dozens of people she mentored went on to become leaders in our organization.  She was valuable because she created other leaders.  Be valuable too.

How do you develop your leaders?  Has your team had formal leadership training?  Our unique approach instills the five traits of exemplary leaders.  Make sure each of your leaders has the skills they need to lead.

  1. Know your people better.

Remember when the standard to meet with direct reports for formal performance reviews was once a year?  No more.  Now the guidance is at least once a month.  This does three things.  One, it builds a sound relationship with your team member.  Leadership is about relationship.  Two, it is a valuable chance for you to get regular, valuable feedback on your organization.  Finally, it gives them a regular update on their performance.  Tackle performance problems early.  Encourage high performers at every chance.  Here’s a good format for the 1 on 1:

  • What is going well?
  • What have you learned?
  • What will you change?
  • What are your next steps?
  1. Vision/Mission – again and again.

The best leaders never forget why they exist.  People hunger for meaning and purpose and a consistent reminder to your team vision and mission will remind them that what they do is significant.  Start every meeting answering the “why.”  Why are we meeting?  How does this meeting tie into our larger purpose?  Do this and they will be more inspired and fulfilled.  “Our meeting today is for (purpose)… which enables us to (mission/vision).”  Simon Sinek said it well, “Great leaders are able to inspire people to act; they give them a sense of purpose or belonging …”  Remind your team of the “why” – and inspire.

  1. Set clear expectations and follow-up.

Is your team working toward some measurable vital result?  We may have told them (or think we did). What is their understanding and what metrics are they working toward every day?  What gets measured gets improved (Drucker).  Is it sales, profit per transaction, repeat customers?  Ensure that your team has what they need and knock down any obstacles.  Are you serving them so that they can meet the expectations?

  1. Recognize results and desired behaviors.

Be the kind of leader who never stops finding the good in people and telling them.  It builds loyalty and fosters high performance.  We asked them to achieve it. Celebrate it.  Recognize everyday behaviors that will lead to results.  For example, long hours to meet a deadline, creative new approaches, serving the customer well, etc.  When was the last time you said it?  Do it today.

Do these five things regularly and watch your team take off!

Through the Fog

This morning (Monday, Feb. 20th) I drove from my home to my office in Marion in very dense fog. As a matter fact, I had heard on the early news that there was a severe fog alert out for the morning. It has been a long time since I have driven in such dense fog. As I drove the back roads through the country, I realized that these are very familiar roads to me…I drive these roads several days each week. I know where all of the stop signs are, the curves and the valleys along the road. I know where to turn, where the speed limits change from 55, to 45 to 35. So, one might say, I could drive on auto pilot in this fog. However, I think we would all agree, that would not be a very wise thing to do. As we all know, things can change. Some areas as we are driving in the fog may be easier. It may not be as dense in certain areas and allows us to see a bit further ahead. At other times, there might be an obstacle in our way that we don’t see until the last minute, such as a deer crossing the road (which, fortunately, did not happen to me). The dense fog complicates this because it impairs our visibility. So, I found myself driving slower, being more intentional, more cautious and making sure I was aware of all of my surroundings.

This got me to thinking about the parallel for many organizations. Some organizations navigate very well through the fog. Others have a difficult time seeing what is ahead. Visibility is limited. There are obstacles in their way they don’t see. And this impacts their effectiveness, their employee engagement, turnover, the ability to attract and retain a qualified workforce and most likely, their overall bottom line.

Organizations need to have a plan when the fog rolls in. And there are times when that happens – suddenly and unexpectedly, whether it is due to outside forces (i.e. the economy) or internal forces (change in leadership, shift in supply and demand). How can organizations be strategic about navigating these treacherous roads? There are several things that can be done.

Begin with a mission and vision that serves as the foundation for all that you do. This is your organization’s lighthouse in the dense fog. It helps people see their way. Establish a long-term strategic goal and develop an action plan with S.M.A.R.T. goals. And then use it…refer to it…update and refine as you go along. Get input from your employees – the ones who are doing the work. You would be surprised how many great ideas they have – they just need to be asked and given the opportunity to share them.

Once the fog lifts and you are comfortably back ‘in the driver’s seat’ with clear visibility ahead, be sure to say thank you to those who helped get the organization through the fog…i.e. the challenging time. Begin to look ahead and plan for the next time the fog rolls in…because, as we all know from experience, it will.

Understanding the Voice of the Customer in Education

Voice of the CustomerA critical component of Lean Six Sigma is understanding the Voice of the Customer. This concept is essential to identifying activities that are value-added and non-value added or wasteful.

In education it may be agreed that the student is the customer as they are the recipients of the outcomes of the institution. Some disagree with this concept thinking that we are unable to satisfy the customer. At one of my presentations someone in the audience indicated that satisfying the customer in education “the student” means giving them all “As” and that was impossible. Of course this is not correct – this is not what customer satisfaction is about.

Norma Simons, President of Performance Innovation LLC and AEC Solution Partner

Norma Simons, President of Performance Innovation LLC and AEC Solution Partner

In the education space the concept of the “Voice of the Customer” has a different meaning than it does in the broad world of consumerism. We tend to think that customer satisfaction rests only on the fact that there is a financial exchange between the customer and the person delivering the goods and that the customer finds value in the purchase.

We need to satisfy the needs of the customer – the student, but what does that mean? It means we need to deliver what is considered as a quality education -one that is delivered so that the student is functional in the wider society. If individuals are able to graduate but cannot either get a job or function at their required capacity, then regardless of what was learned and the grades earned then a quality education was not delivered.

Customer satisfaction therefore is not a passive interaction. For the student to be satisfied, it requires the student to collaborate with the instructor and several different individuals within the institution. The student’s success requires a partnership with the institution which should be promoted and nurtured.

Understanding the Voice of the Customer is a process, a mind-set, a shift in thinking, a culture that needs to be embraced by the entire institution.

Apart from the student, there are several customers who are vested in the education outcome:

  • The parents of the students who might bare some financial responsibility regarding payment of fees and physical and emotional support of the student
  • The loan institutions who might provide assistance to the students
  • All the areas of the institution (business office, book store, advisors, job placement office and other areas) which support or interact with the students directly or indirectly
  • The potential employers who expect a certain level of performance of the students after graduation
  • The institution itself who expects that the performance of students and their ability to be received in the wider society will build the reputation for the school

Well this is my opinion.

To read more on this topic, see the New York Times January 3, 2010 article below:

In this article “Are They Students or Customers” five professors from different business schools weigh in on the debate.

“Students are investing time and money with a purpose in mind. The school that does not serve that purpose will not survive.” Stephen Joel Trachtenberg is president emeritus and professor of public services at the George Washington University.

This blog is dedicated to the team at Alber Enterprise Center of The Ohio State University.

Norma Simons is a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, president of Performance Innovation LLC, and an AEC Solution Partner.  Norma heads a team of qualified professionals in the areas of Lean and Six Sigma.  Her success is attributed to her unique integration of performance improvement systems such as Lean, Six Sigma, Design for Six Sigma, quality management systems, business operating systems, and balanced scorecards that have enabled the effective execution of organizational strategy and, ultimately, bottom-line results.


15 minutes could save your … strategic plan

W.I.G.We’ve all experienced it, or heard about it.  A team spends weeks or months developing a strategic plan, and nothing happens with it after the glossy document gets printed.  Why does this great new plan just sit on the shelf gathering dust?  Business scholars over the past two decades have been researching why plans fail to be implemented  1. The overarching theme of their conclusions: people resist change.  How do we address this challenge? Through a structured plan for execution.  Your team needs to commit to the plan, yet they are busy with their daily duties (the “whirlwind”) and they don’t take time to focus on the strategic plan.  An effective execution plan starts with committing to a series of 15-minute segments on planning and implementing the strategic plan.

Franklin Covey’s 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX)2 is one formula to follow. The four disciplines are:

Program Manager of The Ohio State University's Alber Enterprise Center

Program Director of The Ohio State University’s Alber Enterprise Center

1.   Select one or two “wildly important goals” (WIG) that drive your strategic plan and can be measured and tracked.
2.  Identify the activities that lead to achieving the WIG(s), ones that your team can influence.
3.  Create a compelling scoreboard: simple, visible to the team, shows the lead and lag measures, and tells immediately if you are winning.
4.  Establish a weekly cadence of accountability in which each team member commits to working on one or two of the lead activities as well as reports on the efforts toward the WIG.

This 4DX plan is easy to implement by committing to 15-minute segments for each discipline:

  1. 15 minutes to identify and establish your WIG from your strategic plan. If you need two WIGs, spend another 15 minutes on the second one.
  2. 15 minutes per WIG to list all of the leading activities required to meet your WIG.
  3. 15 minutes to determine how you will show (scoreboard) the team’s progress toward leading activities and WIG and where it will be displayed.
  4. 15 minutes per week – the same day/time each week – for the accountability meeting.

We facilitated a strategic plan for one of our clients a year ago. After following up with them to see their progress, they reported that the leadership team implemented a few goals but felt they needed our help to really drive the plan throughout their organization with all employees. They embraced 4DX and are starting to see results.

This works! Try it, and let me know how it works for you.

If you need help in setting up your 4DX plan, the Alber Enterprise Center can show you how. Call 740-725-6325.


1:  Govindarajan, V., & Trimble, C. (2010). The other side of innovation: solving the execution challenge. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing.
Gudmundsson, H., Ericsson, E., Tight, M., Lawler, M., Envall, P., Figueroa, M., et al. (2012). The role of decision support in the implementation of “sustainable transport” plans. European Planning Studies, 20(2), 171-191.
Hahn, W., & Powers, T. (2010). Strategic plan quality, implementation capability, and firm performance. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 9(1), 63-81.
Kotter, J. (1996). Leading change. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Larian, L., Day, M., Backhurst, M., Berke, P., Ericksen, N., Crawford, J., et al. (2004). What drives plan implementation? Plans, planning agencies and developers. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 47(4), 555-577.
2:  McChesney, C., Covey, S., & Huling, J. (2012). The 4 disciplines of execution: achieving your wildly important goals. New York: Free Press.

7 Ways to Align Strategies Within your Organization

vision_and_alignment-325090-editedDo you run your company, or business unit, like items on a checklist?

This could mean that the organization is not aligned and that you are generating waste.

“Great Performance is 1% Vision 99% Alignment” Jim Collins, author of Good to Great

Every organization or institution, for profit or non-profit, is required to achieve results.  The method of getting those results can be structured, or unstructured.

In most cases organizations may have a vision, yet manage by using a strong silo structure.  Every department has its goals and do the best to achieve the stated objective but activities may conflict with the work of other departments.

There is a certain level of waste as groups within organizations work against each other.

Norma Simons, President of Performance Innovation LLC and AEC Solution Partner

Norma Simons, President of Performance Innovation LLC and AEC Solution Partner

Can you achieve results?  Most definitely!!  Most companies and institutions achieve success for years with this model.

However, the problem becomes difficult when changes have to be made over a short period of time.  Such changes may include:

  • Radical changes in the economy
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Quick changes in existing customer requirements
  • New markets with new demands
  • The company hires new employees
  • Radical changes in the use of technology, etc.

Question: So how can you ensure that you change and still achieve organizational alignment?

Answer: Develop a Structured Business Operating System.

How can this be achieved?

  1. Vision Mission Values–Begin with a clear understanding of the vision, mission and values.  If they do not exist, then the management team should spend time to document them in a way that is clear and concise.
  2. Strategic Objectives–Document the strategic objectives of the organization as a whole.  Once this is done then this should be in a strategy map (a one page document summarizing the strategic objectives) so that it can be clearly communicated throughout the organization.
  3. Performance Measures (KPIs)– Based on the vision and strategic objectives top management should identify the top 10 key performance indicators (KPIs) that should be used to track performance.
  4. Standard Documentation–Each measurement should be placed on a run chart that shows performance over time.  A Pareto chart can be used to document the top areas that impact performance.  Problem solving teams should then identify the root cause of the performance and solutions that need to be in place for improvement.
  5. Deployment–The key performance measures identified by top management must be deployed in all areas of the organization.  This allows all employees to keep track of activities in each area and to be a part of problem solving activities.
  6. Review–The entire organization needs to have a systematic review process that focuses on key performance measures created in each area.  During the review process, teams evaluate the performance metric and the results of problem solving activity.
  7. Visual Management–The visual management system contains information on the key performance drivers in each area, and results of problem solving activity.  The system serves to communicate the progress of the company as it relates to key areas.

Every organization performs all these and more – so this is not new.  However it is the use of a structured process that will ensure that the organization can achieved expected results in a short time as well as promoting employee engagement.

At a recent luncheon for The Ohio State University Alber Enterprise Center (AEC), I was asked to deliver the following presentation.  Flip through the SlideShare “Aligning Strategies with Operations” to get a few ideas on how to achieve alignment.  

For more information about aligning your processes, contact us at 740-725-6325. 

Norma Simons is Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, president of Performance Innovation LLC, and an AEC Solution Partner.  Norma heads a team of qualified professionals in the areas of Lean and Six Sigma. Her success is attributed to her unique integration of performance improvement systems such as Lean, Six Sigma, Design for Six Sigma, quality management systems, business operating systems, and balanced scorecards that have enabled the effective execution of organizational strategy and, ultimately, bottom-line results.

Begin Your Green Belt Journey Today: Lean Six Sigma Registration

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Program

The Ohio State University’s Alber Enterprise Center Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Program

Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is a methodology and way of thinking that enhances the performance of an organization.  It first was applied in the manufacturing industry but now it is being utilized in healthcare, government, education and several institutions.  LSS provides a template to simultaneously reduce waste, improve the quality of products and services, improve customer satisfaction and increase profitability.  Lean Six Sigma certification requires participants to not only learn the concepts but to demonstrate understanding of concepts through application in simulation projects.

Norma Simons, President of Performance Innovation LLC and AEC Solution Partner

Norma Simons, President of Performance Innovation LLC and AEC Solution Partner

What is a Blended Approach?

This approach combines the traditional classroom style with online self-paced learning using technology.  The extent to which this approach is used will vary depending on the type of technology, the organization, and the material that needs to be covered.  Because Blended Learning combines several different learning styles, it allows participants to work at their own pace and at their own convenience. Class time is then designed for discussing applications of concepts to the work environment and clarifying areas that might not have been clear.

What are the Benefits of a Blended Approach?

  • 24/7 online learning access.  Prior to class, participants learn the core material.  After class they are able to use the information as job aids.
  • Consistent training delivery.  The material as presented ensures that everyone receives the same message which ultimately ensures alignment of company processes.
  • More effective use of classroom time.  With participants at the same level, classroom time focuses more on knowledge application, discussions and hands-on simulations or application to company projects.
  • High retention & better mentoring.  Retention increases when users are able to control their own pace and can review material outside of the class, leaving class time for coaching.
  • Increased access to knowledge, overtime.  The online job aids provides the means to reinforce the learning process at the completion of the program.

What are the components of Blended Learning?

Flip through the “Lean Six Sigma” SlideShare to get a few ideas on the components of blended learning.  The slides also outline the requirements for our certification program.

Now that you have been introduced to the components of the blended learning program for LSS Green Belt, sign up for our next course by September 4, 2015.  For registration details about our Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Program, visit: or call 740-725-6325.

Norma Simons is Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, president of Performance Innovation LLC, and an AEC Solution Partner.  Norma heads a team of qualified professionals in the areas of Lean and Six Sigma. Her success is attributed to her unique integration of performance improvement systems such as Lean, Six Sigma, Design for Six Sigma, quality management systems, business operating systems, and balanced scorecards that have enabled the effective execution of organizational strategy and, ultimately, bottom-line results.



Coaching made me a better boss

consulting-board roomWhen I was hired as program director for Alber Enterprise Center in December 2011, I thought I knew how to be a manager and leader.  After all, for two decades I studied the best authors – Drucker, Collins, Covey, Buckingham, Friedman, and dozens more.  I witnessed a myriad of management styles in private business and public education, and listened to their employees’ reactions, praise and complaints, then eventually began teaching leadership development courses.  I knew the importance of listening, giving feedback, team building, problem solving, performance management, and conflict resolution skills; especially their role in engaging employees and moving the organization forward.  Yes, I felt confident in my abilities to lead my own team.

Myra Wilson, MS, SPHR, Program Director, Alber Enterprise Center

Well, I learned there is a difference between knowing and doing!  My personal style of working entails rolling up my sleeves and digging in, taking full ownership of all the details while visioning the future.  My new team was great, helping me understand our center’s history with clients and excited about the opportunities to develop updated programs.  After three years, we were holding our own but I knew we had so much more potential to make an impact.  Sensing we had stalled, I found myself wondering about my abilities as a leader.  Then a phone call from a certified coach transformed our team into a high speed powerhouse that doubled the number of delivered programs in six short months.

He called me in hopes of becoming one of our center’s educational partners; a partner in delivery of leadership training and coaching.  I decided that the best way to assess his qualifications was to try him out on our team.  He facilitated our strategic plan and provided follow-up coaching to help us implement our goals.

What did the coach do for each of us? 

  • Confidentially identified behaviors each team member wished to strengthen
  • Assessed our current level of skill in each of those behavioral areas
  • Assembled a plan of action for improvement
  • Monitored our progress through feedback and other objective means

I learned two key lessons during my coaching sessions that have helped take our center to a new level of performance:

  • Let go of the details and delegate them to others – stay focused on the big picture instead of getting “tangled in the weeds”
  • Empower others to take ownership of their jobs by using the coaching techniques I learned – listening more and speaking less, asking questions rather than directing, rewarding positive behavior, and sharing successes as a team

This external (and objective) assessment not only made me a better leader and manager but has also elevated the performance of our organization and its members in the process.

To fulfill your coaching needs, contact us for more information.

Alber Enterprise Center recognizes outstanding businesses

from far left: Rev. Kenneth Daniel (United Church Homes), from center: Scot McLemore (Honda of America Manufacturing, Inc.), Dave Rasor (Triumph Thermal Systems, Inc.), Mike Patrick (National Lime & Stone Company), in the back (left): Mike Giangiordano (Triumph Thermal Systems) and (right) Dan Sensel (Triumph Thermal Systems)

Ohio businesses who were recognized for outstanding achievement and excellence are (front row from left): Rev. Kenneth Daniel (President & CEO, United Church Homes), Scot McLemore (Technical Development Manager, Honda of America Manufacturing), Dave Rasor (Operations and Lean Champion, Triumph Thermal Systems), Mike Patrick (Manager of Maintenance, National Lime & Stone Company), Mike Giangiordano (President, Triumph Thermal Systems) and Dan Sensel (Director of Engineering, Triumph Thermal Systems)

Six Ohio organizations were recently recognized for outstanding milestones in business by The Ohio State University’s Alber Enterprise Center.

Those receiving awards included: Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services, United Church Homes, GrafTech International, LTD, Triumph Thermal Systems, Inc., National Lime & Stone Company, and Honda of America Manufacturing, Inc.

“We are honored to recognize the outstanding achievements each of these organizations has made in visioning the future of their particular industries,” explains Myra Wilson, Program Director, Alber Enterprise Center. “They are on the leading edge of leadership development, continuous improvement and innovative culture — three initiatives that form the focus of our mission.”

Each organization has collaborated with the Alber Enterprise Center to address organizational challenges and/or receive executive training tailored to their company needs.

Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services, Columbus, received the Outstanding Achievement and Excellence Award for Collaboration in Framing the Future of Long-Term Care Services. Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services and their various staff members have actively attended meetings and their vast amount of expertise have molded and encouraged the work of the Long Term Support Services & Health Care Consortium (LTSS & HCC). Their input is advantageous in aiding the group to shape the vision and future of long-term care services.

President and CEO for United Church Homes, Marion, Rev. Kenneth Daniel accepted the Outstanding Achievement and Excellence Award for Collaboration in Framing the Future of Long-Term Care Services. Rev. Daniel’s guidance and direction led the Center to embark on the beginning stages of the long term support services path. His insights and industry knowledge was instrumental in developing a survey and gathering information that helped shape and guide the work of the Long Term Support Services & Health Care Consortium (LTSS & HCC). These continued efforts are helping AEC and the consortium take an in depth look at healthcare issues and develop solutions that will be impactful for years to come.

GrafTech International, LTD, Lakewood, received the Outstanding Achievement and Excellence Award for Continual Commitment to Human Capital Investment. Over a 3-year period, GrafTech have trained personnel through Structured On-the-Job Training (SOJT) and developed employee portfolios that capture work experience, education, certifications and training. As of June 30, 2014, AEC has issued 223 certificates to GrafTech employees for either Task and or Job Mastery. They also are projecting 120 more Job/Task Mastery certificates that will be issued by June 30, 2015.

from left: Frank Gibson, Myra Wilson, Mike Giangiordano, from right: Dave Rasor, Dan Sensel, and John Hohn (Hardin County Chamber Business Alliance)

(from left) Frank Gibson, Program Manager, and Myra Wilson, Program Director of Alber Enterprise Center presented one of the outstanding client awards to Hardin County’s Triumph Thermal Systems.  Accepting the certificate were Mike Giangiordano, President; Dave Rasor, Operations and Lean Champion; and Dan Sensel, Director of Engineering.  John Hohn, Director of Economic Development for Hardin County Chamber Business Alliance, congratulated the Triumph team.

President of Triumph Thermal Systems, Inc., Forest, Mike Giangiordano accepted the Outstanding Achievement and Excellence Award for Investment in Lean Six Sigma with Positive Impact on Business. Triumph Thermal Systems took an innovative approach to improving quality, efficiency and effectiveness by implementing Lean Six Sigma (LLS) follow up training to continue the initial training previously provided to their yellow belts, green belts and black belts. This past year they invested in training twelve employees in various levels of Lean Six Sigma process improvement. This training continued to enable teams to identify and implement the process, especially to increase higher product quality in two key production areas.

Manager of Maintenance for National Lime & Stone Company, Findlay, Mike Patrick accepted Outstanding Achievement and Excellence Award for Investment in Learning Resulting in Positive Impact on Business. For over ten years, National trained personnel through classroom, hands-on or eLearning. They covered a plethora of topics including customer service, hydraulics, welding, Microsoft office software, issue analysis, customer service and electrical safety. With approximately 40 locations throughout Ohio, National has experienced significant business growth over the years.

Technical Development Manager for Honda of America Manufacturing, Inc. Marysville, Scot McLemore accepted the Outstanding Achievement and Excellence Award for Positive Impact on Business from The BRIDGE: Issue Management Process. Honda’s successful utilization of AEC’s The BRIDGE: Issue Management Process laid the foundation in crafting a plan for feeding qualified workers into the employment pipeline for HAM (Honda of America Manufacturing, Inc.) and HNA (Honda North America) and helped stimulate positive change for maintainable economic growth.

Client Advisory CouncilThe concluding event for AEC’s Client Advisory Council half-day meeting was the Awards Luncheon. The meeting objective for clients was to provide feedback on AEC’s past services, input on how the Center can support the business priorities of other companies, offer suggestions about new services AEC could provide and ideas for strategic direction.

 The Alber Enterprise Center applies the resources of The Ohio State University, OSU Extension, along with a team of organization development consultants to enable Ohio businesses to positively impact economic growth.   For more information, call 740-725-6325 or visit

Ridgemont students awarded scholarships to prepare for workforce

Photo Credit:  Kenton Times

Photo Credit: Kenton Times

Fifty Ridgemont High School students are on their way to becoming empowered leaders.  Each were awarded the “Rising Stars Initiative” scholarship.

Ridgemont High became the first school in the nation to receive this initiative.  The school district partnered with The Ohio State University’s  Alber Enterprise Center, Hardin County Chamber & Business Alliance and Performance Support Systems (PSS), as a collaborative effort to introduce the Future Farmers of America (FFA) students to this program.  The program will aid students to learn people skills and their personal strengths in high school and beyond graduation.

FFA students will partake in a year-long, online personal development program, called “Strong For Life.”  “Strong for Life” for ProStar Coach is a virtual program that can be accessed 24/7 at the student’s disposal to ingrain pertinent leadership qualities for the workforce.

Various classes such as Listening, Giving Constructive Feedback, Engaging in Dialogue, Resolving Conflict, Composure, Cooperation, Self-confidence, Responsibility, and many more are accessible for students to take.

According to a 2006 joint study, “Are They Really Ready to Work,” employers complained that young adults were “woefully-ill prepared” for the demands of the workplace, had poor communication and critical thinking skills.  PSS launched this initiative to address this “growing awareness” on young adults not being adequately prepared for any challenges they may face in the workforce.

Stephanie Jolliff, Ridgemont FFA  Advisor stated “It gives our kids the opportunity to connect with the real world.”

On January 5, 2015, Ridgemont received this non-monetary scholarship.  Normally, a one year individual subscription is $325 but with PSS working with participating schools and youth programs, it’s now free and accessible for teens.

By obtaining these qualifications earlier on and before embarking on their career paths, students will be better equipped with the necessary tools to succeed in the workforce and in life.  Frank Gibson, Program Manager of Alber Enterprise Center said “This is a rare and unique opportunity for students to develop their leadership skills [through coaching focused] on you, your career, your growth, and your future.  We challenge each student to not only receive coaching but to learn how they can use coaching skills to assist others.”

Each student will have assigned “Accountability Coaches” and “Support Coaches” that will guide them throughout the coaching process.

Bailey Drumm, Ridgemont High senior, expressed “This will better prepare us for jobs in the community.  I am confident in my leadership abilities, but I am also excited to see where this leads me.  I am hoping it makes me even better.”

“This can be a life-learning program.  The effect it has on students could affect other people in their lives,” claimed John Hohn, Director of Economic Development at Hardin County Chamber & Business Alliance.  “The long-term impact could be amazing.”

For more information about Strong For Life, visit: or contact Frank Gibson at 740-725-6348.

(Special Note:  Article information and quotes pulled from the Kenton Times article, “Program goal to better prepare R’mont students for work force” by Dan Robinson, Staff Writer and Performance Support Systems’ Press Release)

Alber Enterprise Center’s New Year’s Resolutions

Goodbye 2014 and hello 2015!  While 2014 rapidly comes to an end, our Center welcomes 2015 with open arms.  Our team is looking forward to all of the wonderful opportunities ahead of us, and we can’t wait to continue the journey of success with you.  Let’s celebrate our accomplishments, overcome our setbacks, and be innovative in all our endeavors.  As we kick off the new year on a quest for impact and innovation, each of our staff members stated what our New Year’s Resolutions were.

Team NY Resolutions Collage


We would love to hear your New Year’s Resolutions as well.  Please share them with us below.