Register Now for Lean Six Sigma Executive Belt Training–Deadline: Jan. 8, 2015

Norma Simons, President of Performance Innovation LLC and AEC Solution Partner

Norma Simons, President of Performance Innovation LLC and AEC Solution Partner

Executive BeltLean Six Sigma (LSS) is a methodology and way of thinking that enhances the performance of an organization.  It first was applied in the manufacturing industry but now it is being applied in healthcare, government, education and several institutions.  LSS provides a template to simultaneously reduce waste, improve the quality of products and services, improve customer satisfaction and increase profitability.

In order to transform the enterprise and leadership as well as develop and sustain a culture to support the news changes, the leaders need to have a basic understanding of the concepts of Lean Six Sigma.  This program is therefore designed for executives, leaders and managers who will lead or deploy the LSS initiative.

The Lean Six Sigma program is offered using a blended approach to learning.

What is a Blended Approach

This approach combines the traditional classroom style with online self-paced learning, using technology.  The extent to which this approach is used will vary depending on the type of technology, the organization, and the material that needs to be covered. Because Blended Learning combines several different learning styles, it allows participants to work at their own pace and at their own convenience.  Class time is then designed for discussing applications of concepts to the work environment and clarifying areas that might not have been clear.

LSS Executive Belt Banner

Components of LSS Executive Belt

  • Access to E-learning modules 24/7– Each week participants will be required to cover the assigned material prior to the live webinars.
  • On-line student guides– There are guides that can be downloaded with each video that allows participants to retain their own reference material.
  • Live weekly webinars with the instructor– Handouts that support the weekly webinars will be sent ahead of time to the participants.
  • On-line discussion sessions– Weekly webinars will allow for online discussions pertaining to the application of LSS in each facility.
  • Access to the instructor when needed– Participants will be able to gain access to the instructor at specified times to discuss or clarify issues that might not be clear in applying LSS.

Lean Six Sigma is a comprehensive systems improvement program that assists organizations in executing their strategy and establishing processes that better serves the customers.  Executives will have the opportunity to gain understanding of the concepts and discuss some of the barriers that might occur while applying these ideas in their respective organizations.  They will be able to learn on their own, learn from the instructor as well as from other class participants.

The Lean Six Sigma Executive Belt Blended Learning Program is sponsored by The Ohio State University Alber Enterprise Center and Performance Innovation LLC.

To find out more about the program, visit and SIGN UP NOW. For Special Offers and Group Discounts, please contact Annette Shuster at Deadline:  January 8, 2015.

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