AFS Central Ohio Chapter Winter Party Update!

Have you been hearing about these “comic-con castings” that we have been casting? Still haven’t found out what they were for? They were for the AFS local chapter annual winter party last Saturday night. I had the pleasure of getting to go to this with my fiancé (I know, how romantic right?) and ended up having such a great time. I was able to see our creations that were casted down in our foundry on display on tables at the event. Everyone was very impressed with them, so good job!

I basically went into the party knowing some faces from the chapter, but not actually knowing anyone. To make matters worse, my fiancé is extremely shy and does not like to come outside of her box. If wasn’t long, however, until we got to our and instantly connected with the fellow tablemates. Everyone acted as though they had known me for years and really appreciated me being there. This is exactly what the foundry industry is about. It is one big family.

To sum things up, I ended up winning a door prize, got to eat STEAK, and made so many new friends. I wanted to post and write this on here to encourage anyone to get involved, especially with our local chapter!