Completed Labs

*Weekly schedules can also be viewed under the “SCHEDULE” page*

Arduino Programming Basics

The purpose of lab 1 was to become familiar with the AEV control system and all of the hardware components that come with the AEV. Function calls were used with the Arduino board in order to complete basic tasks. From lab 1, the team concluded that it is crucial to verify all electrical connections before completing any activity with the AEV. The key takeaway from this lab is how vital an understanding of the braking command is in the AEV. The command only cuts power to the motor, meaning that the vehicle will still move after the code is executed.

Table 1: Week 1 schedule

Task Teammates Start Date Due Date Time Needed
AEV Assembly All 1/24/17 1/26/17 1-2hrs
 Progress Report 1
All 1/26/17 2/2/17 4hrs




(Propeller design assembled in lab 1)



 External Sensors & System Analysis 1

The first part of this lab focused on the external sensors that play a major role in the movement of the AEV. New function calls had to be introduced that worked directly with the external sensors, ultimately allowing the AEV to move along the track for a predetermined distance. The second half of the lab involved propulsion efficiency. With the help of the wind tunnels, the team concluded that the bent propellers would be most efficient.

Table 2: Week 2 schedule

Task Teammates Start Date Due Date Time Needed
AEV Re-assembly
All 1/24/17 1/26/17 1-2hrs
Progress Report 2
All 1/26/17 2/2/17 4hrs



(Wind tunnel analysis data gathered from lab 2)



 Creative Design Thinking

This lab was solely about using creative design thinking techniques to formulate an initial AEV design as a team. Comparing and brainstorming ideas for the initial design of the AEV was crucial as it allowed the team to generate a general sense of order and direction of how the group’s first design would come together. This included the materials needed to assemble the AEV, the location of each part on the initial design of the vehicle, the steps required to build the first prototype design, and an image of what the finished prototype should look like. The task of creating an initial design for the group’s AEV was accomplished by each group member first brainstorming and constructing  an AEV in the form of a concept sketch in an orthographic view.

Table 3: Week 3 schedule

Task Teammates Start Date Due Date Time Needed
AEV Drawings All 2/3/17 2/9/17 1-2hrs
 Progress Report 3
All 2/6/17 2/9/17 4hrs



(orthographic drawings constructed in lab 3)



 System Analysis 2 & Design Analysis Tool

Calculating performance characteristics using physical parameters from EEPROM Arduino data and using the MATLAB based design analysis tool to automate performance analysis calculations were the two objectives in this lab. Calculating performance characteristics from EEPROM Arduino data was used in the design process. Based off the collected data, along with visual observations of the AEV’s performance on the track, decisions can be reached regarding design and operational modifications. Using the design analysis tool to automate performance analysis calculations was important as analysis calculations are repetitive and time consuming. Utilizing the design analysis tool provides an efficient and productive method to evaluate AEV performance.

Table 4: Week 4 schedule

Task Teammate(s) Start Date Due Date Time Needed
Lab 5 Progress Report All 2/9/16 2/16/17 4hrs
Portfolio Update Andy 2/9/16 2/16/17 1hrs
Bonus Video Part 1 All 2/16/17 3/2/17 1hrs
AEV Modifications All 2/9/16 2/16/17 1hrs


(Graphs of supplied power over time and supplied power over distance obtained in lab 4)



 Design Concepts: Screening and Scoring

The purpose Lab 05 was to use screening and scoring concepts to determine success criteria. This allowed the team to discuss the most important factors that should be focused on with the AEV. Concept screening was initially used to eliminate the least important criteria. Concept scoring was then used to shine light on the most important categories that the team should focus on when designing the AEV.

From this lab, the team concluded that balance was the sole focus of the designs that would be chosen. Several of the group’s designs will be combined to create better rounded AEV. The key takeaway from this lab was how important it is t determine success factors when working on a project with time and economic constraints.

Table 5: Week 5 schedule

Task Teammates Start Date Due Date Time Needed
Select 3-D Part All 2/21/17 2/2/17 1-2hrs
 Progress Report 6
All 2/21/17 2/23/17 4hrs


Success Criteria Reference Design A (Andy) Design B (Grant) Design C (Christian) Design D (Kody) Design E (Team)
Balance 0 0 0 0 0 +
Efficiency 0 0 0 + +
Appearance 0 + + + + +
Durability 0 + + 0 +
Aerodynamics 0 + + + + +
Easy to Assemble 0 0 + 0 0
Cable Management 0 + + +
Battery Mount 0 0 + +
Sum +’s 0 3 4 5 4 6
Sum 0’s 8 4 2 2 2 1
Sum -‘s 0 1 2 1 2 1
Net Score 0 2 2 4 2 5
Continue? Combine No No Combine No Yes

(Concept screening performed in lab 5)



 Halfway Checkpoint

This lab served as the halfway checkpoint for the AEV. After this point, the labs transitioned from introductory labs into performance testing and determining final designs. This lab also included the Lab Proficiency Quiz where all students were tested on their knowledge of the AEV and the code required to run it.



 PDR Oral Presentations

Each group presented their progress with their AEV during this lab. All of the labs from Lab 00 up to Lab 06 were summarized and each team discussed the key components of the Preliminary Design Review.



 Performance Test 1

The group team started this lab by setting up the Arduino software used to program the AEV. This allowed the team to program basic function calls in controlling the propulsion of the AEV. these programs were then uploaded to the AEV and tested on the track to confirm that they were uploaded successfully. Another task the group completed involved becoming familiar with the external hardware components of the AEV and programming function calls for using the AEV’s external sensors regarding the AEV’s position and distance traveled, these function calls were also tested on the track. In addition, the propulsion efficiency of the AEV was also tested through wind tunnel analysis. Next, techniques for creative design thinking and brainstorming were developed and used by the group to create individual initial concept designs for the group’s own AEV. Furthermore, the team became acquainted with the design analysis tool, which was used to convert EEPROM data downloaded from the AEV to physical parameters such as time, current, voltage, distance, and position.

These physical parameters were in turn utilized to calculate performance characteristics of the AEV. Finally, the group applied concept screening and scoring techniques for design decision making in which the AEV designs previously brainstormed by the group were programmed to run the same scenario and scored based upon success criteria determined by the team and compared to the sample AEV.

Table 6: Week 8 schedule

Task Teammates Start Date Due Date Time Needed
Final Design of 3-D Printed Parts All 3/7/17 3/9/17 30 min
Lab 7 Progress Report All 3/7/17 3/9/17 4hrs
Begin PDR Report All 3/8/17 3/23/17 4-6hrs

(Graph of supplied power over time for current propeller design that is struggling to pull the caboose in lab 8)



Performance Test 2

Made up of three separate days, Lab 09 involved turning in the Preliminary Design Review and preparing for the second performance test.



Performance Test 3

The focus for this week was coding the AEV to bring back the caboose while considering energy efficiency. The completion of these tasks were crucial to the progress of the project as programming the AEV to traverse back to the gate after picking up the caboose unit assists in the completion of the part of the mission which is enabling the AEV to successfully navigate the track. Maximizing the efficiency of the AEV with the caboose in tow will assist in completion of another part of the mission statement by minimizing energy output of the AEV while it is completing its run.

To accomplish these tasks of picking up the caboose and returning to the gate as well as maximizing the AEV’s efficiency during this time the group first had to add onto their original code. This entailed programming the AEV to travel from the gate once it had opened to the caboose, pick up the caboose, and reverse direction to return to the gate. The key takeaway from this lab was that progression is not always forward. Steps backwards are taken sometimes in order to move forward.

Table 7: Week 10 schedule

Task Teammates Start Date Due Date Time Needed
Test New Design All 4/3/17 4/6/17 30 min
Lab 10 Progress Report All 4/3/17 4/10/17 4hrs
Improve AEV Return Code All 4/3/17 4/17/17 45 min
Add Battery Mount All 4/3/17 4/6/17 20 min


(Graphs of supplied power over time that assisted the group with their determination to use larger propellers in lab 10)



 Performance Test 4: Final Testing

The final testing for AEV’s occurred during this lab. Each vehicle must meet the requirements for traversing the track as well the energy/mass ratio. The key takeaway from this lab was how important it is to compare data obtained before and after a change is made to the design of a product. By doing this, it is easier to decide whether the change helps or hinders the product.

Table 8: Week 11 schedule

Task Teammates Start Date Due Date Time Needed
Improve AEV code for

efficient energy use

Andy and Grant 4/7/17 4/6/17 30 min
Lab 11 Progress Report All 4/7/17 4/10/17 3hrs
Improve AEV Return Code All 4/6/17 4/15/17 45 min
Bonus Video All 4/10/17 4/20/17 4hrs
Start CDR All 4/10/17 4/20/17 10+ hrs



CDR Oral Presentation

This final lab allowed all groups to share information about their AEV. Each team should present their AEV”s design and ultimately what led them to choose that design. This also marked the due date for both the CDR and Project Portfolio.