Week 5 Meeting

Team Meeting Notes (Week 5)

Team E met on the second floor of Drackett Tower at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, February 21st. At the beginning of the meeting, Christian Meadows assumed the task of taking notes because he has been doing it since the first team meeting. The first task the team completed together was finishing the concept screening chart that was created to help decide the final design of the AEV. The chart showed that Design E was the best choice for design because it had the highest score. Next, Andy Carper briefed the team on how the team could improve going into the next lab with getting the AEV to stop more precisely at the gate.  Andy did this because the coding is on his computer, so he always judges how much power the motors should be set on and for how long they should run. Grant Centlivre and Kody Williamson showed the team the progress on the group’s site. They took on this role in order to make the meeting time efficient. The group then shifted gears, looking forward to the upcoming lab.   After this was complete, the group agreed to meet on the second floor of Drackett Tower at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, February 28th. The meeting was then adjourned.