Team L has designed and heavily tested an autonomous and electric-powered AEV that can transport people from Lindon to Easton or Polaris. From conducting Advanced Research and Development with an initial design, the current design of the AEV is the best yet. Team L’s AEV:
- Travels a full run in 45 seconds.
- Only consumes roughly 220 joules.
- Comfortably sits passengers.
- Allows the people of Lindon to have access to many shopping and medical centers.
- Is appealing to the eye
For fully detailed information regarding the improvements, please refer to theĀ Critical Design Review.
Briefly, the second design of the AEV consumed 209 Joules of energy 3/4 of the full test run and had constant low power. Team L redesigned the AEV to where it pulls to the caboose and pushes with the caboose back to the starting area. The final design only consumed 220 Joules of energy while running for 45 seconds. The final design of the AEV was coded to run at almost full power in order to cut down the time. Since the AEV was a scaled down model, when the AEV is enlarged and made to hold passengers, there is plenty of room on the wings and under the L-shaped arm for passengers to fit. Easton and Polaris are homes to large shopping and medical centers. The AEV allows the people of Lindon to be able to quickly travel to and from in order to be accommodated. Lastly, Team L conducted that the final design of the AEV is appealing due to no extrusions or out of place parts.